Vukadinović: SNS is in serious decline


Political analyst Djordje Vukadinovic believes that local elections, held in Zajecar on Sunday, where the SNS won around 20 percent fewer votes than in last year’s parliamentary elections, showed that the SNS is in serious decline and that now the only question is “how contagious will it be?” process, that epidemic of decline, if it is an endemic disease or will it affect the whole of Serbia. “He considers that Serbia is” closer to Zajecar than to Kosjeric “, in which the SNS obtained a resounding victory, with 67.23 percent of the votes, according to the president of the SNS Executive Committee, Darko Glisic.

“Last night, several locks of the Presidency were damaged because (SNS leader and Serbian president Aleksandar) Vučić is not satisfied with the results. Yesterday there was no celebration. And why? They (SNS) received 20 percent less of votes in Zajecar than in the June elections last year, when the SNS had 62 percent and now won just over 41 percent of the vote. That is a very good result for any normal party, but considering the goal that Vučić is constantly branded and elevated, it is not for him, “says Vukadinović on TV N1 in Novi dan.

“The Zajecar results are an indicator of serious turbulence and crisis in the ranks of the SNS, in light of the announced extraordinary parliamentary, Belgrade and presidential elections,” he added.

Asked if the opposition knows how to take advantage of the fall of the SNS, Vukadinovic said that he was not sure and that the persecution by the platform for inter-party dialogue and other conflicts between leaders of opposition parties gave an additional air on the back of the SNS to overcome “Which I’m sure was a shock to them, and that’s why there was no celebration.”

“It is very bad that in the position that the opposition is in, we lose those few moments when dealing with who contributed the most to the coming to power of the SNS in 2012,” said Vukadinovic, alluding to the discussion between the leader of the Dveri movement. Bosko Obradovic and the president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic.

There are no conditions for a fair election

When asked what the numerous irregularities, pressures and physical assaults registered in the local elections held yesterday in Kosjerić, Zaječar and Preševo ​​tell us, he affirms that this is what a good part of the opposition and the professional public has been telling us. There have long been no conditions in Serbia for fair and honest elections, even when the opposition does not participate in them, as was the case here.

“The government had no real opponent except in Zajecar, where some local lists participated,” says Vukadinovic, adding that “even when there are no challenges and dangers, they (the government) cannot organize elections like in a normal democratic country.” . . “

When asked what the opposition that boycotted the elections achieved, he believes that the boycott from the point of view of the central parties in Belgrade showed its justification, and that is that there are no conditions for the elections, and at the same time the strength of the elections. local forces. was shown.

“The opposition, whatever it is and what it thinks about it, cannot, under such conditions, unless something important changes, participate in those elections,” Vukadinović said.

As for how he interprets the declaration of the leader of the Dveri movement, Boško Obradović, that he could withdraw from the opposition and make a new one, he says it seems “a bit pretentious, not too realistic”.

When asked if he thinks the opposition will be the only one to run in the next election, he said he is a potential optimist, mainly because he believes the opposition’s self-preservation instinct will prevail, if not because he believes there will be external pressure. .by the international community and the European Parliament in the direction of an agreement.

“And more importantly, I believe in common sense, at least as a last resort when it comes to this space. Risk awareness will work on Vučić and progressives.” I think Vučić is aware, no matter how heroic and arrogant let it be with the opposition, they have to take some steps in the direction of both media openness and political stabilization, because they run the risk of serious tumulturation both internally and externally. “Vukadinović said, adding that he is sure of that these concessions will not be enough, but they will be, mainly due to external pressure.

“There is a life that passes outside of television with a national frequency. That life does not work in favor of progressives and Vučić. I think he is aware that he will not be able to withstand another serious boycott, and I am not sure that the opposition can withstand another boycott ”, estimates Vukadinović.
