Vuk Jeremic: “Djilas did not want to guarantee that he would not kidnap members of the Popular Party!”



01.12.2020. 18:49 – 01.12.2020. 18:59

Vuk jeremic

Vuk Jeremic, Photo: Screen Printed

Vuk jeremic admitted on opposition television that Dragan Djilas’ behavior was an unpleasant surprise for him and that his former comrades in arms were to blame for the political divide Dragan Djilas, as much as Nikola Jovanović.

“After the Alliance for Serbia ceased to exist, we extended a cooperative hand to Dragan Djilas, above all, and had an unpleasant experience. I also refer to Nikola Jovanovic, we offered to form a joint parliamentary club in the City Assembly, But we demand that we put on paper the principles that will guarantee that there will be no possible abuses, that there will be no kidnappings of councilors, that there will be no undermining of party organizations within the alliance, because there have been such undermines before. Marinike Tepic, to avoid such misunderstandings, we put those principles on paper, but Dragan Djilas’ Freedom and Justice party did not accept it and they formed an independent parliamentary club, ”concluded Vuk Jeremic, leader of the Popular Party.

The disunity in the opposition is more than obvious, and the Popular Party decided on that move after the decision by Djilas’s SAA, the Sloga union and the Movement for Change to establish their club in the city parliament.
