Vujović: Montenegrin government to be formed – the world


Political analyst Zlatko Vujovic said that the shootings within the new majority, now on the occasion of the Law on Religious Freedom, are a tactic towards the formation of a new government, with the intention that all political entities preserve the electorate.

Vujović: The Montenegrin government will be formed on 1Photo: Pixabay / comrade_petruha

He told RTCG that he believes the government will be formed, although he doubts that it will be stable, mainly because, he says, all the differences between its components will emerge over time.

“For the simple reason that the weight of failure would be too heavy for any actor, who would somehow be evaluated, at least by the electorate, as someone who ruined the formation of the government and was to blame for the failure of the entire project of the future government, “he said. .

How sustainable and long-lasting that government will be is another question, Vujović believes. Because, he concludes, all the differences that are going to be suppressed with the formation of the Government will come to light over time, and will make their work quite difficult.

He believes that opinions on who should sign the basic agreement with the state of Montenegro on behalf of the SOC indicate an obvious conflict between the SOC headquarters in Belgrade, namely Patriarch Irinej and Metropolitan Amfilohije.

“What the DF leaders insisted, which can only be signed by Patriarch Irinej, the more logical and rational it sounds, the more they aim to weaken the position of Amfilohije, who, as we heard from Medojevic, is the representative of the SOC in Montenegro “. , who participated in the elections and has a deputy on the list, Mr. Krivokapić, who will also be the future prime minister, ”says Vujović.

It is obvious, he points out, that the Serbian Orthodox Church, as one of the unofficial actors in the electoral coalition led by the DF, wants a piece of its pie. And that, understandably, affects relations, not only of that coalition, but also of the one that will govern Montenegro in the next period.

“It is in a way a weakening of the negotiating positions. Although I have to admit that the request of the DF that it be signed by Patriarch Irinej is quite logical for me, because the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, the one represented by Amfilohije, is only part of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Serbia, “says Vujović.

And when it comes to positioning other subjects of the new majority in relation to this law, Vujović believes that everyone should take care of their constituency. And the electorate of the URA civil movement, in their opinion, does not support the movements that the Serbian Orthodox Church is implementing in Montenegro.

“I think it is more tactical, trying to outdo someone, so that first of all the citizens, that is, the voters of those individual parties, will not be disappointed with some movements that will be withdrawn,” Vujović said.

The president of the club of deputies of the Democratic Front, Slaven Radunović, called on GP URA, as he puts it, to give up his megalomaniacal demands and support the minority government.

“If Dritan Abazovic (leader of the URA) cannot control the hawks in his ranks, which the manifest chauvinism prevents from respecting the elementary postulates of democracy, then, as an undoubted fighter against the regime, he has only one option: to support to the minority government of the other 37 opposition parliamentarians, “he said. is Radunovic in a statement to the media.

The vice president of the URA Civic Movement, Filip Adzic, said that the party would not vote for the withdrawal of the Law of Religious Freedom, which is demanded by the Democratic Front (DF) as a precondition for the formation of a new government.

“We will not vote for the withdrawal of the Law on Religious Freedom. We said that Montenegro needs the Law on Religious Freedom, but a modern law and a law that is not discriminatory,” Adzic told TV A1 from Podgorica.

The formation of a new government in Montenegro depends on the four votes of GP URA. The Coalition for the Future of Montenegro, whose headquarters is the DF, has 27 deputies and the coalition around Democratic Montenegro has ten.

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