Vui: We will be the only country where there will be an increase in earnings VIDEO


Belgrade – Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said the IMF will soon announce that the growth of economic activity in Serbia in this crown year will be only minus 1.5 percent.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Photo: buducnostsrbijeav / Instagram

Photo: buducnostsrbijeav / Instagram

That, he said, will put us first in Europe in terms of growth.

Wui relayed that after meeting with the head of the IMF delegation, Jan Case Martein.

“They improved the forecast, initially they said it would not be minus 3, but minus 2.5. And the official estimate, which they will confirm in two days, is that it will be minus 1.5. And we are going to work to be there.” not yet, “Vui told RTS.

Vui pointed out that such IMF forecast followed because they saw our performance and everything that was done in the third quarter of this year, in the period for which our assessment was that we will have minimal but positive GDP growth, even though we were terribly affected by the crown.

He affirmed that the IMF was skeptical about the increase in salaries in the public sector, and that we show that we have space for that and “we will be the only country in Europe where there will be an increase in salaries.” He stated that in March, the average salary could reach 540 euros.

Vui said that a new arrangement would be made with the IMF because it is a matter of security and a good position in the world financial market.

He said that he would see how to help the private sector, as it is now with the minimum wage, because the private sector is the one that struggles the most.

Wui also noted that everyone has embraced the concept of helping the economy of three full minimums and two more than 60 or 50 percent for large companies.

“It’s a lot of money, and people forget that you can’t give up hope,” Wui said. He specified that the state has an obligation to regulate things and collect taxes, but that the state has done a lot this time.

“There will also be wage increases in the public sector, it will certainly be significant,” he told RTS.

He also stated that he would seek slightly higher salaries for medical staff.
