Vui: “We expect numbers for the third quarter, we will be the first or second in Europe” VIDEO


Belgrade – Serbian President Aleksandar Vui addresses the media after the Little Engen conference.

Source: B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said the summit discussed strengthening the cooperation policy.

“It was a long meeting. We have made several important decisions. Everything will be implemented no later than November 10. The important thing for people is that since then they will be without PCR tests and from our country to North Macedonia and Albania”, Vui said. .

“We had an interest in having some of our candidates supported and we are supporting other candidates and that will work better in the future.”

The agreement, he says, was reached in three cases, among other things, to keep the stay at the border as short as possible.

It is about work permits, of which, as Vui says, there has been a lot of talk, then a state of emergency, that is, helping each other when natural disasters occur, in addition to worrying about customs work.

“As of November 10, you can only enter the territory of both countries with a line ticket,” added Vui.

“We talk about new investments, about how together we can try to present our projects better, to get the most money from the eight more billion promised by the European Commission. I think these are good results and very important for us. “Vui said.

As he said, the invitation for Montenegro and Pristina to join the Mali Engen initiative remains open.

“We look forward to Pristina at one of the next meetings, in accordance with the Washington Initiative. We hope Avdulah Hoti will join the next summit, and then we look forward to Sarajevo and Podgorica. It has been agreed to establish a permanent secretariat. We have always formalized decisions. We are all very small, but when we are together we are less small than when we are alone. It is an important idea that Serbia has many benefits. Gone are the days when we did not understand world processes, when the world passed by, when we did not understand that strong economy “Vui said.

He added that Serbia will have the highest growth rate this year. Vui said that the results for the third quarter of this year are expected tonight or tomorrow morning, and that Serbia is expected to be the second or even the first in Europe, between -0.2 and 0.2.

“We are thinking of finishing first all year. It is good that Europe is recovering, but fortunately, we are much better at the moment, and for all that we need bigger markets and faster connections in the region, so we will insist on to this idea, ”Wui said.

He once again expressed his condolences on the death of Metropolitan Amfilohije and said that he hoped that we will remember all the good things he did for the Serbian people.

Finance Minister Sinia Mali said the three agreements the president was talking about were very important.

“Imagine what this region will look like when they just enter countries and cross borders with line maps, whether to Albania or North Macedonia, or some other countries that will join later. Imagine what our borders will be like when trucks pass unhindered. ., without hours and hours of waiting, “he added.

He affirmed that all this will contribute to the development of the economy of the entire region, as well as to the increase in the standard of living of all citizens of this region.

“I think that Serbia will benefit more as a dominant economy, but the whole region will move forward. What is important and that was a special topic at the meeting, you know that the entire Western Balkan region expects nine billion euros of support from the European Commission. “We will make this initiative a list of infrastructure projects that should further raise the quality of the infrastructure, but also the economic development of the entire region,” Mali said.

Besides Vui and Mali, the president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Ada, was also present.

He said that this was a very important meeting from the perspective of the business community in our region.

“What makes me especially happy is that we have received the support of the three leaders to really do an intense dialogue, six dialogues between companies and governments, that the measurability of the success of this initiative is not only signed documents, but the business community is the one that “What has been done and what needs to be done. I am also satisfied with the agreement on work permits. This means in practice that we no longer treat ourselves as foreigners in this area. I hope all the other partners in the region join in. “He said.
