Vui: This is a plan that is rarely talked about by the Serbian public VIDEO / PHOTO


Serbian President Aleksandar Vui stated that he had a good conversation with the EU envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajak.

Source: Tanjug

“We had a good, rational and serious meeting on the future of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. The important thing is that we agreed to continue the dialogue and the full commitment of Serbia to that dialogue. We also made a joint assessment of the economic evolution between Belgrade and Pristina, which is satisfactory. That is one of the most important things. Under three, the European future is important for Serbia and it is not a sentence. It is important because there are more investments and because Serbia’s position will be stronger the closer we are to EU – and that’s about the full implementation of the Brussels agreement, ”Vui said, thanking Lajak.

He added that it is always better to have a dialogue than not to have a dialogue.

Lajak claimed that the EU only has a mediating role in the dialogue, while the main burden falls on both sides of the participants in the talks.

“The aim of my talks with President Vui is to talk about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. The aim is to normalize relations, which means that it is not up to the EU to decide. It is up to the two sides to agree. The EU is here to help, not to force. We cannot want normalization any more than Serbia and Kosovo, “Lajak said, adding that significant progress has been made since his last visit four months ago.

“We also deal with issues that were not in the negotiations, but also those that were fulfilled but not fulfilled. It is important that everything agreed upon is fulfilled. I came to Belgrade from Pristina, and the main conclusion is simply that: the process the dialogue continues, and everything agreed must be fulfilled, “added Lajak.

He also referred to the agreement on the Association of Serbian Municipalities.

“Everything is agreed, signed and must be done. The next step is to negotiate the status of that community. The place where we will have these talks will be Brussels,” says Lajak.

Vui then showed a plan to implement an agreement on normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina, which he says is little talked about in the Serbian public.

“Now I will give you an act that is little talked about and that no one has seen in the Serbian public so far. This is a plan to implement the agreement on normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, which consists of six elements. One – adjust the legal framework, two – Association and community, such three – police, such four – judiciary, such five – local elections, such six – general provisions, “said Vui.

Miroslav Lajak denied that the messages about the breach of obligations came from Pristina.

“Before my arrival in Pristina, there were many announcements. None of my interlocutors said that they would not fulfill their obligations, it was clear that everything must be fulfilled. Second, the question of the Constitution: it is logical that the constitution has to be changed. “Also, nobody said it was impossible. I agree with the president that we want a normal state and it is in the interest of all people. An abnormal state is a problem,” Lajak said.
