Vui addressed the young policemen: When they tell you to go to Kosovo …


BELGRADE – President Vui said in promoting new members of the police force that they have difficult responsibilities and that they must shoulder the burden of responsibility.

Source: B92, Tanjug

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He has been in honor and defense of Serbia, and there is no greater obligation than to take care of his country. That is why you are special, Aleksandar Vui said.

“When they tell you to go to Kosovo, those who don’t even know where Kosovo is on the map, they know you did the right thing and made the best decision,” the Serbian president told the young policemen, announcing an even greater investment and care. by the sector.

Wui noted that the students chose an honorable and wonderful profession because they stood up for their country.

“To this day, you are de facto and de jure people who take care of your Serbia. There is no one who can say that you have a greater obligation to take care of Serbia. That is why you are special,” said the president.

He pointed out that in Serbia it is easier for everyone to criticize the state, because no matter how many roads and railways are built, or how much someone does not pay taxes, it is always easier to be against the state, while the police are always by their side. . .

“You will always have to suffer, the citizens will always have confidence in you, but you will not be a favorite,” said Vui.

He noted that it is up to the State to help, that everyone feel proud of themselves and provide a better life.

“We will continue to improve the standard of living of the members of the MUP, because you represent the future, convinced that you can do a lot for your country,” the president told them.

“Although they are only girls and young people for their parents, their closest ones, they should no longer feel that way, because they have difficult responsibilities ahead of them. They must bear the burden of responsibilities that they have not had until now,” Vui said at the Makiu ceremony . .
