Vučić’s strong message on the panel of the Regional Young Leaders Forum (PHOTO)


THE BALKANS WILL INITIATE THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF ALL EUROPE: Vučić's strong message on the panel of the Regional Forum of Young Leaders (PHOTO)

Photo: Printscreen Instagram / buducnostsrbijeav

Today, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, participates through a video link in the panel within the V Regional Forum of Young Leaders on the theme “Connecting during the pandemic: threats and opportunities”.

Vučić said today that the region can be an important factor only with cooperation, because only together can all challenges, including the current pandemic, be overcome.

In his speech, the President of Serbia pointed out that it is obvious that all of our countries are too small and that only through cooperation and connection can they achieve significant results in the economy and building the future.

Stating that this is not only important in the field of economics, Vučić pointed out that it is necessary to cooperate also in other areas, such as health, and recalled that an agreement on health cooperation was reached at the last meeting of the “Little Schengen in the fight against kovid-19. .

Vučić expressed the hope that an agreement on health cooperation will be reached before the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia.

– This agreement would allow the citizens of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia to travel without a PCR test, relying on the health authorities of our countries. It also means helping each other, among other things, the possibility for the citizens of North Macedonia and Albania to use our hospitals for treatment. That would make us much stronger in this fight – explained the President of Serbia.

Vučić said that this cooperation includes the exchange of medical equipment and everything else that is needed in the fight against kovida-19 and stopping the spread of the virus.

According to him, it is an initiative that is changing the region.

He noted that the connection, that is, the “little Schengen”, also envisages fostering entrepreneurship in the region, helping to start a business, which is good for young people.

We must also cooperate in the field of education, and there is already cooperation in the development of infrastructure and trade, added Vučić.

– All this is good for young people who can plan a better future and be part of this great initiative. If we don’t cooperate, then we are too small to act as a factor in the region. If we cooperate, then we are much stronger and we can be an important and interesting factor for investors – added Vucic.

The Balkans can move all of Europe

Vučić emphasized that the Balkan region could be a strong driver of future economic growth in Europe and noted that the world is still waiting for changes in the economy, following the crisis caused by the corona virus.

He pointed out that the peoples of our three countries are used to complaining and criticizing everything that happens in our region while glorifying everything that comes from outside, from the EU, the United States and other countries.

“Everything that belongs to them is always better than what belongs to us, which comes from our region,” Vučić noted, adding that this must change.

Vučić noted that he sees the Balkan region as a strong engine for future European economic growth.

– We have an excellent opportunity to achieve this, and much better than some EU countries – said the President of Serbia.

Vučić reiterated that only if we work together, we can achieve a lot in the region, connect economies and understand that we will have much more strength than we can show to others.

He also noted that he was satisfied with the economic growth achieved by Serbia.

– We are satisfied with the growth of Serbian GDP. I hope the region has the best GDP growth in the whole of Europe – said the President of Serbia.

Vučić pointed out that we should use all the advantages that we have as a region and act as a single market.

– I hope that one day we can create a joint “investment package”, which acts as a single market, is more attractive and attracts investors. There is no doubt that it would be good for us – said Vučić.

The main topic is economic integration

In addition to President Vučić, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, and the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, participate in the panel organized by the European Movement in Serbia – Novi Sad Local Council. Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic surrendered at the last minute.

In the forum, the participants had the opportunity to discuss during numerous panels the problems they face every day in the countries where they come from.

The theme of this year’s meeting is the challenges on the path of economic connection of the Western Balkan countries.

He noted that during the pandemic, the world changed almost completely and that something very strange happened: the more countries progressed in 10 years, the more they lost in a year.

– Everything has changed and there will be a change in the next period because the corona virus will not give up. There will be economic challenges for everyone. But we can do much more than others, we need confidence in ourselves and strong teamwork. We are ready to further support our partners. This shows that we believe that the progress of our neighbors also means our progress, Vučić emphasized.

When asked what he was planning for the upcoming Berlin summit in Sofia, Vučić said he could not announce anything, because he must first agree on a joint platform with representatives from North Macedonia and Albania.

– Everything is mutual trust. We represent independent countries, and considering that some ambassadors think that they can impose some of their ideas on us, I think we should consult our neighbors first, and only after the second – said the President of Serbia.

In the end, Vučić told young people that they must fight and work hard to improve our countries and the entire region.

( Instagram print screen)

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