Vucic with the bishops face to face for two hours! An important matter has been decided in the relationship between Serbia and Montenegro



27.09.2020. 07:00

The President of Serbia with Metropolitan Amfilohije and Bishop Joanikije on strengthening relations between Serbia and Montenegro.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met in Belgrade three days ago, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral and Bishop Joanikije of Budva-Niksic discussed in a friendly conversation for hours how relations between the two sister countries, Serbia and Montenegro, could be improved and strengthened.

According to our information, the conversation took place in a very cordial atmosphere, and during the meeting it was emphasized that Serbia and Montenegro, which will soon have a new government, must urgently begin to develop the comprehensive relations currently interrupted because as the closest countries another.

During talks with the bishops, Vučić promised economic assistance to Montenegro, which was facing the biggest economic crisis due to the coronavirus epidemic and the failed tourist season.

Historian Dr. Aleksandar Raković, Senior Research Associate at the Serbian Institute of Recent History, said that Vučić’s meeting with the Montenegrin bishops was the happiest news for the Serbian people since the opposition won the elections in that country.

In recent weeks, the Serbian people of Serbia, Montenegro and Srpska have been confused by the unexpected turn of events in Montenegro following the electoral victory led by the Montenegrin Serbs. It turned out that the resignation of Serbia and the Serbs, for the sake of political correctness, always threatens to disrupt relations between the Serbs in Montenegro, but also between the Serbs of Montenegro with the Serbs of Serbia and Srpska. The meeting in Belgrade, held in a cordial atmosphere, confirmed that we Serbs are a single body and that we can resolve all mutual, sometimes controversial issues, in fruitful dialogue. The fact that we are an indivisible nation does not in any way disturb the coexistence with the neighbors of other nations in any republic. – Serbia, Montenegro or Srpska – he stated.


Amfilohije, Photo: Masanori Yoshida

– On the wave of this important event, we hope that our presidents Vučić and Dodik will meet with the new Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić as soon as possible when he takes office – Raković concluded.

The Democratic Front deputy, Marko Kovacevic, is convinced that it is very good news that such a meeting has been held.

– Our local Church is an unbreakable bond between Serbia and Montenegro and it is not surprising that its bishops can help improve relations between our countries compared to what we had during the DPS of Milo Đukanović, who constantly made Serbia enemies of Montenegro. That policy is a thing of the past. We need to cooperate with Serbia, talk to their representatives and the bishops have set a real example for the future prime minister and all others who will exercise power in Montenegro, Kovacevic pointed out in our document.

Milo media madness: Vučić is restoring the Dušan empire

The propaganda bulletin of the outgoing regime in Montenegro, “Dnevne novine”, announced as its main topic an interview with Enver Halilović, former rector of the University of Tuzla, in which he literally accused Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and the Belgrade authorities of ” rebuild the Dušan empire “. he stopped before this crazy declaration that asked the region to oppose the new Serbian hegemony ”. Vučić affirmed that Serbia wants peace in the region and respects everything.

– But I will say something open, everyone can attack Serbia and interfere in the internal affairs of our country. The essence is that many wanted Serbia to be weak, that’s why there is panic and attempts to stop Serbia in its economic growth – said the president.
