Vučić wished Plenković a speedy recovery from the coronavirus


Tonight, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić wished Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, who tested positive for the corona virus, a speedy recovery and good health.

“I wish you good health and a speedy recovery,” the Serbian President said on his official Twitter account.

Plenković has been in isolation since Saturday, November 28, after it was confirmed that his wife has the corona virus, he was tested yesterday and his result was negative, and today’s test confirmed the presence of the corona virus.

“The prime minister previously received an epidemiological measure of self-isolation, and is now being sentenced to 10 days of isolation. He currently feels well and continues to carry out his activities and obligations from home, and will follow the instructions of doctors and epidemiologists,” the statement said . Government.

Today, Plenković led a session of Government from self-isolation, in which new measures were adopted to help entrepreneurs, as well as new measures at the borders and sanctions for violating the measures.
