Vucic will be betrayed! Americans are giving money and bringing in a new opposition leader!



17.12.2020. 19:01 – 17.12.2020. 19:25

Viewers of the morning show, hosted by Milomir Marić, remained in disbelief as they watched the first shots of SRS leader Vojislav Šešelj’s guest appearance as a heated debate about sarma began.

Vojislav Seselj

Vojislav Seselj, Photo: Printscreen

At the beginning of the program, Marić claimed that he was attacked in the market.

– I was attacked in the market for you! – exclaimed Marić and continued:

– They asked me: What did you give Seselj to tell how sarma is made from “living meat”?


Seselj repeated his thesis so, during his last visit, he got into a clinch with host Katarina Korsa, and it is about how to prepare sarma and whether the meat should be fried or put “alive” in cabbage.

Maric and his colleague said that all the women in their press office who were asked how they prepared the sarma said that they had previously cooked the meat.

– The employees came up with the idea of ​​frying the meat and then the sarma is cooked in an hour. The female housewives who are at home all day and take care of the household prepare sarma in a different way, according to the original recipe. “Live” meat, as you say, although it is not “live” meat but unprocessed, when it is put, the sarma is prepared for five hours and simmered – said Seselj, explaining his position.

Milomir maric

Milomir Marić, Photo: Printscreen

Maric later revealed that only his wife Vesna Radusinovic said that Seselj was right and that it was an original prescription for sarma.

– Maric, you found the woman of your life. Not only is she a homemaker and intellectual, but she looks at you like a little child. You are lucky to have a woman like that, who looks at you like that because you are not capable of living independently – said Seselj, at whom the famous presenter laughed.
Seselj continued to convince Katarina of his position.

– I do not insult women who fry meat, I only say how sarma is prepared. It cannot be watered down if you have enough rice, and some women think that sarma is better when meat is fried because less rice is put in, but that is not true, the same goes for burek and onion. Raw meat should also be placed in the burek, Seselj said.

The SRS leader concluded the topic by stating that he is just a kitchen theorist and that he can’t really show off his culinary skills.

– And don’t waste my time anymore and call me on programs for this. I understand myself in the kitchen only theoretically. I can cook an egg and make pancakes, I learned it as a child – says Seselj.

The best meat

Maric continued questioning Seselj.

– Where did you eat the best meat, in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Leskovac?

“Leskovac kebab is the best because it mixes a little beef with pork,” Seselj said.


Meat, Photo: Hello! / Vladimir Markovic

Then he made a lot of dark claims.

– There was cat meat and carrot in Sarajevo, when I was a student I remember, when the inspection went on, they found cat skins and carrots in the courtyard of some bakeries. There were several such notorious places – Seselj said.

Crocodile, kangaroo and shark meat

The SRS president then talked about all the exotic dishes he tried.

– I ate crocodiles and kangaroo meat in Australia. I ate snails and frog legs here, and tried shark meat in the United States. It’s so well prepared that the taste is fantastic – says Seselj.

– If a man is really in danger, he can eat all the meat, if he had to, I would eat a cat, but I would not eat a dog, and if it is a matter of life, then everything can be eaten except man. It’s better to die than to be a cannibal, ”Seselj said.


Seselj says he opposes the introduction of the curfew but appealed to citizens to be careful and adhere to the measures.

– Those who have been crowned should appeal to other people and talk about their experience to protect others, because if a person does not protect himself, no one can. The patient’s clinical picture also depends on the amount of virus they bring into the body, Seselj says.

I will learn to betray, the Americans will give money and I will elect a new opposition leader

Seselj believes that Madeleine Albright’s reappearance is a message that the old policy towards Serbia will continue.

– Server is a professor at a prestigious university and Bugajski is an influential thinker. Albright and Engel are classic Albanian mercenaries. They are all very influential in America. The Serbs are waiting for new temptations, the campaign will come from Europe and its surroundings, to recognize Kosovo, to abolish the Republika Srpska and to overthrow Vučić because he personally has now become an obstacle. He skillfully maneuvered diplomatically with great force, he played with a rope as they say and he succeeded during these eight years. Now it’s going to be difficult. The Americans are preparing a new leader of the pro-European opposition. He didn’t believe me until he heard that from Albright. The Americans will choose a candidate for the presidential elections, they will give a lot of money and they will go to overthrow Vučić – says Seselj.

Medlin olbrajt

Medlin Olbrajt, Photo: EPA / Michael Reynolds

He thinks Djordjevic, Djilas and Jeremic don’t stand a chance.

– Djordjevic is like a Russian man, and he bought an FSB badge in Moscow on the street, if someone from the Russian secret service saw him with that, they would still beat him. It was canceled when he stated that Vučić received 1000 dollars for the citizens of Serbia, but did not distribute it but kept it for himself. I have not heard anything crazier from Mladjan Dinkic, who lied saying that he would share 1000 euros for Tadic to win the election. The Dosmanlije lied and destroyed everything and the few factories we had, stole gold, stole everything – says Seselj.

The morning guest claims that Vučić focused all his attention on himself.

– Many things depend on Vučić and he got into that situation. He was supposed to entrust tasks to other staff members, review them, then correct them and give them a chance. He put himself in the center and everything goes to him. He will betray him. There are honorable people in the government, but also dangerous. Zorana Mihajlović has evil in her eyes, she is making incidents, you saw what she did to Bajatović, when her security threw him out. You cannot humiliate people like that, you must be nice, I am kind to everyone and arrogant to rude and traitors. I sympathize with all our people who live hard and with the poor – says Seselj.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

Maric asked Seselj if he helped many in Krajina and you helped many in Kosovo

– I helped, and now they are voting for Vučić – Seselj said with a smile and stated that it is something quite common.

– Perhaps there are people I do not thank, and they did it to me, Vuk Drašković received me in Belgrade, but he became the biggest Serbian traitor, he was the main instigator of the war, the extreme. He could have been a great writer, and now he’s nothing – says Seselj.

Franz Ferdinand was assassinated because he wanted to form a triple monarchy

He claims that Draskovic became Karadjordjevic’s apologist in his books and lost the critical thinking he had when he was a young writer.

– King Petar Karadjordjevic, when everyone praised him, came to Serbia without a nail and became abnormally rich, gave freedom to black hands. It is inadmissible in a country to form a terrorist organization within the army. Pasic informed the Austro-Hungarian government that an assassination attempt on Franz Ferdinand was being prepared, and they did not prevent it, he had no security, he was scheduled to be killed because it did not suit Vienna. He planned reforms to make Austro-Hungary a triple monarchy. The third entity would be the South Slavs, and that would include Croatia, Slavonia, Serbian Vojvodina, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Seselj says.


Seselj says that Serbia can be protected by Russia, but we must do more in the direction of rapprochement, the Americans have a base on the territory of Serbia, so that should be possible for the Russians too – says Seselj.

Maric later said that Gorbachev told him that the Russians no longer wanted to risk anything for the Serbs because they entered the First World War and lost theirs.


Seselj claims that the Russians saved the Jeremian population in Nagorno Karabakh and says the situation is not what it appears at first glance.

– It should be noted that after the collapse of the USSR, Armenians occupied a large part of Azerbaijan that does not belong to Nagorno Karabakh. The situation there is complicated and the Russians should be able to solve it – Seselj said.

Albanians and Tito’s loans due to the conflict with Castro

Seselj says that Albanians gave a lot of money for decades to get to the top of the administration in Washington, and that Serbs did not have that money.

– We are still paying Tito’s loans. He borrowed to bribe the non-aligned leaders against Castro, who wanted to take over the movement and annex it to the USSR.


Seselj claimed that the “Dosmanlians” destroyed everything and allowed Solana to form the state of Solania, which was called the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.


Seselj said that the Croats also understand that they are interested in cooperating with Russia because of the gas.

– Serbia built a gas pipeline and was connected to the Turkish current. The closest connection between Croatia and that gas pipeline is through Serbia. Serbia is ready to connect them, and I think Lavrov talked about that with the Croats. Croats know that Russian gas is twice cheaper than American gas, Seselj said.

The leader of the radicals said that Serbia’s strategic goal is to develop economic relations with everyone, while joining the Turkish mainstream is Croatia’s strategic goal.

“We and the Croats will one day resolve our disagreements, that is, we will settle accounts, perhaps we will settle everything peacefully,” Seselj concluded.
