Vučić: When it comes to relations between Serbia and Croatia, it would be difficult for someone to believe me if I said …



16.10.2020. 19:26

Ban Josip Jelačić’s birth house in Petrovaradin was ceremoniously handed over for use to the Croatian national community in Serbia today.

– Dear President Aleksandra Vučić and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman and esteemed guests. I cordially greet you all. It is a great honor for me to receive such great and important guests due to the high officials. they send important messages, build trust and take a step towards better cooperation between the two countries, Serbia and Croatia. The Government of the Republic of Serbia donated a part of the house of Ban Josip Jelačić. We fought for almost 20 years to get his house back into Croatian ownership. We have shown that continued cooperation is possible. The talented Serbia and President Vučić won 600,000 euros for the purchase of a little less than 400 square meters for this space in which we are located. We believe that we are now mature enough to open up key issues for Croats in Serbia. Thank you all, especially those who made the sacrifice and participated in part to make this day a reality. Let us promise that we will keep the memories of the great ban and that it will be an honor and pride for both countries, said the president of the Croatian National Council, Jasna Vojnić.

Jasna Vojnić

Jasna Vojnić, Photo: Printscreen /

This is a great honor for us in Croatia. Today’s ceremony is also an important moment of events in the relations between Serbia and Croatia. This house where Ban Jelačić was born on this day was renovated by the Government of Serbia, and we thank President Aleksandar Vučić for that. – said Gordan Grlić Radman.

Gordan Grlić Radman

Gordan Grlić Radman, Photo: Printscreen

– I listened to the good speeches of my predecessors, although they wrote me exactly what to say, as usual, I will try to get most of my head and not succeed thanks to someone else’s mind. This is one of the things we promised to do. After the first meeting I had with President Grabar-Kitarović, we began to realize and solve specific problems that Croats faced. I want to show in the most concrete way to solve these problems and send a clear message: that people of Croatian nationality who live anywhere in Serbia are citizens of Serbia, they are someone who should enjoy all possible rights and whose homeland is Serbia . The relationship between Serbia and Croatia, we can hardly say that they were great. If you look back in time, from the birth of Ban Jelacic, the middle of the 19th century, especially the late 19th century, and without mentioning everything related to the wars and conflicts of the 90s, we can hardly agree on any issue. That is why we do not think it is especially important at that time because we have more important work in the future. These important tasks are to understand well that only by maintaining peace and stability through dialogue, do we begin to build trust among ourselves and listen to each other, sometimes putting ourselves in the shoes of others and respecting the rights and identity of others while improving the position of the Croats in Serbia and the Serbs. in Croatia. It is important to us that we manage to solve some of these small problems. Furthermore, like Mr. Grlić Radman, I believe that it is important to deepen relations between Serbia and Croatia. It is very important for us, especially now that we are all affected by the crown crisis, to show solidarity with each other, and when it comes to our relationships, it would be difficult for anyone to believe me if I were to say about the great love of the Serbs and Croats. I’m not trying to flatter anyone in any way, but what I think is important for both of us is to understand well that without the other we will hardly survive. The sooner we understand that and turn to each other and believe, I am convinced that our results will be better. I am convinced that regardless of what has happened in the past, I am confident that we will cooperate in the coming decades. We are both too small to afford any more disputes, disputes, and any problems. I congratulate you on the holidays, dear members of the Croatian community, and may you experience Serbia as your homeland, as you experience Croatia. – said Vučić.

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, Gordan Grlić Radman, attended tonight in Novi Sad, Petrovaradin, the inauguration ceremony of the memorial house of Ban Josip Jelačić and its delivery to representatives of the Croatian National Council (HNV).

– When talking about missing persons, you should know that there are missing persons, regardless of whether they are Serbs or Croats. It is important that people have the opportunity to light candles for their loved ones. We tried to find some evidence, and we hope that also from the Croatian side, he said at the beginning of his speech.

– When we form our government, we will have easier access for all. Our frankness is excellent and it is important that we have help and support. We are a society with a sincere attitude and trust – said Vučić.

He says that today’s talks with the Croatian representatives were difficult, but that a correct relationship and agreement are important.

– We expect a rational entry to normal flows. It is important that we all help each other and look to the future – said Vučić.

He says that today’s talks with the Croatian representatives were difficult, but that a correct relationship and agreement are important.

– We expect a rational entry to normal flows. It is important that we all help each other and look to the future – said Vučić.

He says that political pressure is important and it is important to wait for results. He added that the economy and infrastructure connections were also today’s topics.

– I exchanged messages with Mr. Plenković – said the president.

When asked about the situation of the Serbs in Croatia and the treatment they receive, Vučić said that this was also one of the issues, but the attitude of the Croats in Serbia was also discussed.

– When I was in Croatia, they always asked me that. If someone says something bad against the other, get applause. Of course, we are talking about the position of the Serbs in Croatia and vice versa. I don’t want it to turn into something supposedly rigged, but who could explain it to – said Vučić.

The ceremony is attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, as well as the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlić Radman.

Ban Jelačić’s birth house was bought and renovated to meet the needs of the Croatian community by the Government of Serbia, and the ceremony is organized on Josip Jelačić’s birthday.

Ban Josip Jelačić was born in Petrovaradin on October 16, 1801 and died in Zagreb in 1859. In Croatia, he is considered one of the greatest national heroes. The birthplace of the great Croat in Petrovaradin was returned to the Croatian community on July 19 this year.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen /

The Croatian community had such a facility at its disposal seven and a half decades ago, and the purchase and recovery process was painstaking and lasted 17 years, the president of the Croatian National Council, Jasna Vojnić, recalled this summer.

The Government of Serbia has provided 600,000 euros for the purchase of a larger part of the building, the basement, the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor, which will be the meeting place for Croats in Petrovaradin, Novi Sad and Srem.

The task of the “Ban Josip Jelačić” Foundation, which will manage the home, will be to preserve and present the culture of the Croats of Petrovaradin and Novi Sad, as well as to protect the cultural and historical heritage of the Croatian national minority by affirming the character and the work of Ban Jelačić.

The house in which Ban Jelačić was born in 1801 was built in 1745, it has a unique architecture, and in addition to the basement and ground floor, one of the four apartments on the first floor was bought with the room in which Jelačić was born.

The house was never owned by the Jelačić family, but was handed over for use to Franjo Jelačić, the father of Ban Jelačić, who was the commander of the Petrovaradin fortress. As top commander, he had the right to use that baroque house in the center of Petrovaradin.

In addition to the museum part, part of the house will be used for Croatian consular affairs and will also house the office of the Croatian National Council.
