Vučić: We will experience the economic crisis only when the pandemic ends – Politics


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said today at the opening of the Paris Peace Forum that it is necessary to discuss the search for the best economic measures to implement, due to the economic crisis that will come when the coronary virus pandemic ends.

Vučić: We will experience the economic crisis only when the pandemic ends 1Photo: Buducnost Srbije / Instagram

As indicated on the official Instagram profile of Buducnost Srbije, Vučić participated in the opening of the forum with a video link, where the main topic is the corona virus and the consequences caused by the pandemic.

Vučić presented “three key questions”: how to help the pharmaceutical industry provide an adequate vaccine, how to work to create better health systems to protect kovid 19 patients and other citizens, and how to protect the economy.

Vučić: Several important results in the talks between Tirana, Skopje and Belgrade

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić assessed that at the Sofia Summit, which was held online on November 10, and in which the leaders of the Western Balkan countries spoke with EU leaders about the European perspective from the region, several important results were achieved in the talks between Tirana, Skopje and Belgrade.

The president of Serbia said that among the results of those talks was an agreement reached between those countries that their citizens suffering from Kovid-19 be treated and admitted to health care institutions.

Vučić said that “unique work permits” will be issued, as well as that it is important to open “green economic corridors” that will be established between these countries and the European Union.

Earlier today, Vučić announced in an extraordinary speech that they were looking for vaccines and that they had provided 1.8 million doses of the most likely Pfizer vaccines for this and next year, and that the first vaccines in Serbia will be available at the end of December.

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