Vučić was heard for political reasons, now we have to see which ones


Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that the Interior Ministry is conducting a serious investigation after Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s statement that he was wiretapped, adding that the president cannot be heard without bad intentions.

He told B92 that “the motives and qualifications of the wiretapping can only be discussed when the police turn to the competent judicial authorities with the final results,” the Interior Ministry reported.

“President Aleksandar Vučić is a man who deals only with politics and nothing else. He is not in business, so he is not interested in his business connections because there are none. He is not interested in other connections or activities, because he dedicated all his life only to politics, only to Serbia. So he is doing it for political reasons, now we have to see what the political reasons are and what results from them, “said Vulin.

According to him, they have been trying to involve President Vučić and his family in any criminal matter for many years, and they have never succeeded.

In this context, Minister Vulin mentioned the case of Jovanjica and assessed that it should be seen from that angle, especially taking into account the testimony of the first defendant, Predrag Koluvija, who says that some people from the police asked to mention Andrej Vučić. it had nothing to do with the case. “

