Vučić: Vaccines are coming soon, but fewer than expected


Vaccines against the coronavirus will be free for all citizens and it is important that we obtain them as soon as possible, and the priority of the first messages is vaccination in nursing homes, said Serbian President Aleksandar and announced that Serbia will replace the expected 10,000 doses of Pfizer vaccines in the first quota. receives 5,000 doses.

Speaking of vaccines, Vučić said that “Pfizer” vaccines would arrive soon in Serbia, but that fewer than expected would arrive. He said he expects a mass vaccination “soon” but cannot speak specifically.

“It is important that we get the vaccines as soon as possible, mass vaccination can be expected quickly, but I will not speak nor can I speak about numbers. I cannot, because there is a great fight for vaccines as there was a fight for respirators when they we acquire, “he said. es Vučić for TV Prva.

Vučić emphasized that his policy is to order vaccines from everyone in the market.

“We are fighting everywhere for vaccines, people do not worry, there will be enough and we will not be in line and we will not be anyone’s guinea pigs, these are good and safe vaccines. We will buy something and we will get something, maybe 50,000 “. and maybe 100,000 doses, “Vučić said and announced that he would definitely be vaccinated.

“Get the vaccine, of course. But when Biden receives it, they say: very nice, when Pence receives it, very nice, and when I say they will vaccinate me, they say: you will get it, and people still haven’t,” Vucic said.

“I didn’t know that Atlagic told Bjelogrlic to leave the country.”

Speaking of the insults against the actors in the parliamentary debate, Vučić stated that he did not know that the deputy of the Serbian Progressive Party, Marko Atlagić, told the actor Dragan Bjelogrlić to leave Serbia.

“I didn’t know that. I think it’s terrible and it’s wrong, if he said that,” Vucic said.
