VUCIC URGENTLY ON TELEVISION AFTER SPEAKING TO THE IMF Serbia will be the best in Europe in terms of growth rate! Highest pensions, average salary in March 540e


BELGRADE – I have some important news for you, and the first is that the IMF is improving the forecast for Serbia. Although the official assessment will be in two days, I have been authorized to say this! This means that Serbia will be the best in Europe in terms of economic growth rate, it will win a gold medal! Congratulations to the citizens of Serbia – said the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić in his live broadcast in the public service daily.

That means, Vučić explained, that these countries that have a decline will not be allowed to increase pensions and salaries in the public sector, and Serbia will be allowed because we are disciplined, we are discussing this very carefully with the IMF, and they are very careful.

Considering that Serbia’s agreement with the IMF expires in January, Vučić added that we will do a new one because the issue of security and a good position in the world financial market is at stake.

– They said that they could not believe that a country would be able to raise salaries in this situation … There will be an increase in salaries, which is incredible with these conditions of global economic crisis … That means that the average salaries of the 510 or 515 euros from today to 540 and more in March – explained Vučić.

IMF: Serbian economy growth -1.5%, the best in Europe

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić declared today that the IMF will soon officially announce that the growth of economic activity in Serbia in this “crown” year will be only minus 1.5 percent, which will place our country in the first place in terms of growth in Europe. Vučić relayed that after meeting with the head of the IMF delegation, Jan Kejs Martajn.

“They improved the forecast, initially they said it would not be minus 3, but minus 2.5. And the official estimate, which they will confirm in two days, is that it will be minus 1.5. And we are going to work to be there.” even lower, “Vucic told RTS. Vučić pointed out that such an IMF forecast followed because they saw our performance and everything that was done in the third quarter of this year, in the period for which our assessment was that we would have growth of Minimal but positive GDP, even though we were badly hit by the crown.

– We were second behind Lithuania, but according to this new assessment, Serbia will be the best in Europe. “Our country will end as a country with a gold medal in 2020,” Vucic emphasized. He noted that the IMF says we will have the smallest or smallest drop compared to other countries. Vucic said that Greece will have a drop of minus 9.5 percent in GDP this year, Montenegro minus 12, Slovenia minus 6.7 percent, Croatia minus 9, Albania minus 7.5 percent, Hungary minus 6.1 percent. percent and the so-called Kosovo minus 7.5 percent, while Serbia only 1.5 percent “I want to congratulate the citizens of Serbia. We are not satisfied with that, because we want to have positive growth,” stressed Vučić.


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