Vučić: There are exact things in the European Commission report, but also political


I am ready to pay any political price, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said on the occasion of the European Commission report, noting that the presidential elections in Serbia and the municipal elections in Belgrade in a year and a half, “would not exclude elections. parliamentarians “.

Vučić stated that many of the observations in the European Commission report on Serbia’s progress can be corrected, that there are “right things” but also “political” ones.

“Where there are no lies and fraud is when it comes to numbers and facts. You can’t cheat on the economy. That’s why the report on the economy is better,” Vucic said at a press conference afterward. tour of the construction sites of the Clinical Center in Belgrade.

He stated that there were precise accusations about the rule of law in Serbia, which should be worked on, but considered that the “political” objection was that he used the office of President of the Republic in the parliamentary elections on June 21, which his Party won. Progressive Serbia. .

In response to that, Vučić asked why, as he claims, there were no objections to former Serbian President Boris Tadić’s official campaign in 2008 and why “the only problem is Aleksandar Vučić” when both the French President and the British Prime Minister are involved. in local elections.

“I understood that I was the problem and accepted the blame. When they say: ‘You bought the Pancir air defense system, I am guilty. I am also guilty of the drones from China or what we will buy from Turkey (…) to the essence, what they criticized in the political sense, I accept, “added Vucic.

Can’t rule out early parliamentary elections

He stated that he would seek accountability for his actions before the citizens in the 2022 ordinary elections, and that, as he said, he could not exclude early parliamentary elections.

He added that Serbia will continue to fight for investments and its European path, but will also keep its face.

“We will uphold the right to our position and opinion and not ruin traditional and historical friendships, no matter how much someone asks for political reasons,” he said, adding that he is proud to say so openly. in a conversation with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelj.

Speaking about the media situation, Vučić said that he reacted immediately to threats and insults directed at journalists and that there were no killings or injuries of journalists in Serbia.

“Happy ending” in Sabac

Speaking of the elections in Sabac, Vucic said that there came “a happy ending as the people wanted.”

“We have a happy ending and that story is over. And if I show you how someone imagines democracy, it’s a horror. Now it remains to pay the debts of Sabac and bring investments. To complete the road to Ruma and the expressway to Loznica, some rural roads … But that story ended with a happy ending, “he said.

Asked about the media complaints about the possible participation of opposition politicians such as Gordana Comic or Tatjana Macura in the new Serbian government, Vucic said that we must first await the proposal of Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic for the composition of the cabinet.

“If there is such a proposal, then we as a party will either agree with it or reject it. In any case, they should always be people whose state interests are ahead of personal and party interests,” added the President of Serbia.
