Vučić: The price of the hospital in Batajnica is 1,170 euros per square meter, not 2,000 – Economy


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić reacted tonight, during a special appearance on RTS, to Danas’ writing about the drastic difference between the price of one square meter of building a covid hospital in Kruševac and Batajnica.

Vučić: The price of the hospital in Batajnica is 1,170 euros per square meter, not 2,000 1Photo: RTS

He said that the price per square meter for the construction of the Batajnica hospital is not two thousand euros, as the newspaper informs us, but that the price is 1,170 euros.

When the journalist asked him about the price difference, he said that construction is being done through state agencies, and that it is about the difference between revenue and budget institutions.

“The difference is between six and three percent of the commission, here it is the lowest, three percent, and the price is 1170 euros per square meter.” He said he apologized but that it was important to them “as a state” to save people’s lives.

– When someone thinks that someone is going to implant in a hospital, I always wonder what may be in his head, think for yourself what may be in his head, except the idea that he should do the same. As someone who fights for his country, who fights mainly for our elderly people, despite the fact that the young are dying … Most of the people who die are grandparents, to think that someone is stealing, then you have to go from yourself, it is impossible to start from someone who would never have thought of that, “said Vučić.

I don’t even know, he added, how long I was in Batajnica … “At least ten times … I dreamed of building it on time, we built it in four months, only a few countries in the world succeeded …”.

Then an RTS reporter joined the live show, in front of Batajnica hospital, visibly delighted with the fact that today it is open to patients, who, then, for reporting and talking about the newly built facility, and saying that does not know “how we could do it without hospitals. the state (the government of Vučić) built”, thanked for the “correction”.

At the start of the show, the Serbian president said that, like Churchill, who, after Germany’s occupation of France, expressed absolute confidence in Britain’s victory, he was sure “that we will also win the crown in this way.”

When asked about that optimism, Vučić said he saw a way out in “our discipline and responsibility to win.”

As he said, he sees an outlet in vaccines that are gradually obtaining their permits. He said that the Russian corona virus vaccine reached Serbia and that experts would correct them in the coming days at the Belgrade Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak”.

Vučić: The price of the hospital in Batajnica is 1,170 euros per square meter, not 2,000 2
Photo: RTS

Vučić also said that he expected Pfizer vaccines to arrive by the end of the year, as well as 350,000 vaccines by March 2021.

According to him, vaccines will be free for all citizens and reiterated that vaccination will not be mandatory, that is, those who advocate the obligation are not clear about it.

Speaking of the correction of the vaccines, the president said that the producers are from “important countries of the world” and that “no one is crazy for poisoning people.”

Speaking about mortality and the number of people infected with the corona virus in Serbia, Vučić again turned to the comparison with other countries, emphasizing that Serbia is better than all.

At the same time, the President of Serbia took every opportunity to complain about the alleged unenviable position of the victims of both individuals and political opponents.

Thus, noting that there is a strong anti-vaccination lobby in Serbia, that is, that more and more people think that the country is square, said that the man who threatened to hang his entire family, a few days ago, claimed that the country was round and that would. get the vaccine. “I suppose that’s why he threatened to hang my whole family,” the Serbian president said.

During the program, he apologized on behalf of Marko Atlagić, an SNS deputy, who, a few days ago, insulted actress Jelisaveta Seka Sablić in the Assembly, for a critical review of the Vučić regime.

However, he used that apology to say that he did not doubt the veracity of Atlagić’s motives, because Sablić, as he said, expressed purely political views in an interview with NIN, but also to point out that no one defended Lazar’s actors Ristovski, Bulet Goncić. and Miki Manojlovic, when they supported him, as president of Serbia.

For retirees, 5,000 dinars each, the minimum for the tourist economy.

Tonight, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that all retirees will receive 5,000 dinars each before December 19, before the feast of St. Nicholas. Vučić also said that the tourism industry will receive support from the sector in another minimum for employees and the payment will be in ten days.

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