Vučić: The first vaccines at the end of December – Society


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced today that they have left in search of vaccines and that they have provided 1.8 million doses, most likely Pfizer vaccines for this and next year, and that the first vaccines in Serbia will be available by the end of December.

Vučić: the first vaccinations at the end of December 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV

During his extraordinary speech to the public, Vučić said that the state went in search of vaccines to get the safest vaccines for citizens in the easiest way.

“We have provided 1.8 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, but we are also negotiating with Chinese and Russian partners because we need more.” We will try to provide vaccines for health, military and police by the end of January, immediately behind them are those who have serious illnesses and can suffer more easily, as well as the older ones, “Vucic said immediately before the crisis staff meeting.

When asked what measures will be introduced today, Vučić said that the crisis staff will decide it at 11 am, but that we must bear in mind that Serbia is always in favor of some kind of curfew, because half solutions, closing from six to six, they hurt the economy more. .

He noted that the crisis staff have worked fantastically so far and that they know better and that we will listen to what they have to say.

Ivana Milošević, deputy director of the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of the Serbian Clinical Center, said today that the situation with the number of new patients with Kovid-19 needing hospital treatment is serious, that the places in hospitals are decreasing and that patients from Belgrade have already started to move. to other cities.

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