Vučić statement on the EC report: assume responsibilities or institutions?


President Aleksandar Vučić says once again that he takes responsibility for the criticism in the European Commission report addressed to the Serbian government in the annual situation report. “The citizens will decide on my decisions and my success in the elections because they are the only ones who have authority,” says Vučić, without ruling out the possibility of holding early parliamentary elections in addition to the regular presidential elections.

The European Movement in Serbia, as well as the Center for European Policies, warn that the consequences of the lack of reforms, pointed out by the European Commission, are felt by citizens every day, because their lives would be better organized if the councils of The EU.

The debate on the European Commission report on the progress of Serbia is ready for the president.

He says he takes responsibility for everything that is not good. And because of the objections to the decisions taken during the state of emergency, and to relations with China and Russia, but also because the EU criticizes their central role in the last electoral campaign.

“I do not think he is a criminal. I am already referring to political responsibility. The elections for both the president and the city of Belgrade, I would not exclude the parliamentary elections. I take responsibility. If I am the only one,” Vucic said.

The European Movement in Serbia, the Center for European Policies and other professional organizations dealing with the European Union consider that the president was ironic in taking the blame for the stalemate in the negotiations on accession to the EU.

“That is not a good message. I think that the president of the state, together with his dissidents, should devise a way to return politics to the institutions. Politics has left the institutions and in such circumstances an individual takes responsibility for everything. which is not good for an orderly political system, “said Srdjan Majstorovic. of the Center for European Policies in Belgrade.

EU laws and regulations that we did not adopt, and that we could, would reduce corruption, protect vulnerable citizens and make business easier, says Vladimir Medjak of the European Movement, and the report only indicates what the government could have done for a better life, but he didn’t. .

Last year our report was ridiculous, so during the pandemic we declared the death of European solidarity, only to apply for the European Solidarity Fund four months later, so we had “Thank you brother Xi, only China can help us.” he is carrying out an anti-European campaign, “said Vladimir Medjak of the European Movement in Serbia.

The relationship between Serbia and the EU is similar to the drama “Waiting for Godot”, assess the NGOs: we are not moving

Noting that no new chapters have been opened in the negotiations with the EU this year, Srdjan Majstorovic from the Center for European Policies estimates that the relationship between Serbia and the EU increasingly resembles the play “Waiting for Godot”.

“On the other hand, the situation in the Union itself is not open to enlargement, and there are many skeptics who take every opportunity to point out that enlargement is not good,” Majstorovic recalls.

N1: Can we say that Serbia and the EU are like Vladimir and Estragon (heroes of the drama “Waiting for Godot”)?

Majstorovic: Yes, it looks a lot like it.

According to the analysis of the European Movement in Serbia, Serbia has not moved on the path to the EU in the last year.

The dynamics of the reforms indicate that in exactly 65 years, Serbia will be politically, legally and economically ready to become a member of the EU.
