Vučić spoke to Netanyahu: friendship between Serbia and Israel confirmed


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said he had an “excellent telephone conversation” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which the friendship between the two countries and the two peoples was confirmed, and also announced a visit to Jerusalem.

“Excellent telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Israel. Friendship confirmed between the Serbian and Jewish people, between Serbia and Israel. Possible next visit to Jerusalem and strengthening of cooperation at all levels,” announced Vucic on his Instagram account. future of Serbia “.

Vučić announced a conversation with Netanyahu the day before, and in an interview with RTS said that he had been told Leaders of some of the world’s major powers have raised the issue of non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 478. that prohibits the opening of diplomatic missions in Jerusalem.

“I told them, ‘Tell me that when we stomp on something, and before that, let me ask you what you trampled on’ in UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (on Kosovo). They were both shocked, so they suggested that we meet soon. “. Vucic told RTS.

On Friday in Washington, Vučić pledged, in the framework of the normalization of economic relations with Kosovo, that Serbia will move the Embassy to Jerusalem before July 1, 2021. Kosovo has promised mutual recognition with Israel.
