Vučić spoke to Angela Merkel via video link


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke via video link with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed Serbia’s progress in the field of economics, as well as efforts on the European path, emphasizing that the Dialogue with Pristina and the rule of law are crucial, Vucic’s cabinet said.

Vučić also thanked Chancellor Merkel for Germany’s continued support for Serbia’s European integration, especially given the German presidency of the EU. He noted that reforms in the field of rule of law are central to Serbia’s European path, and that cooperation with Germany and the EU institutions is a good way to further improve this area.

Vučić also noted the need for a clear plan for EU enlargement and a timetable for accession, because the process of European integration of the Western Balkans is important for peace and stability in the region.

Regarding the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, they agreed that the conversation is necessary, as well as that the preservation of peace is of key importance for both parties.

Vučić said that he would take all necessary measures to successfully continue this dialogue, in order to create a constructive and open atmosphere for negotiations.

The Federal Chancellor welcomed Serbia’s willingness to continue working to preserve the stability of the region and reiterated that Germany will continue to be a reliable partner of Serbia on the path of reforms and European integration.

“The economy is a strong link between our two countries,” said the German chancellor.

Vučić reiterated that German companies operating in Serbia employ more than 67,000 workers and that they contribute significantly to the economic development of Serbia, as well as to Serbia’s reputation as a good place for investments.

“We are grateful for Germany’s support for the Serbian economy. Germany is our largest trading partner even during the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. German companies are increasingly interested in investing in our country, and I am proud to note that Serbia will have the highest growth in Europe this year, despite all the current challenges, ”Vucic noted.

Vučić and Angela Merkel discussed the challenges of the pandemic crisis and plans to combat the infectious disease kovid-19, with a special emphasis on measures to mitigate the economic consequences of the pandemic.

Vučić informed Angela Merkel about the packages of measures that Serbia has taken to mitigate the economic consequences, but also about all the health, epidemiological and other efforts that the state of Serbia has invested to combat this disease and repair the consequences for the health of the population.

Interlocutors exchanged opinions and views on vaccines, as well as additional measures and additional plans for the preservation of human health, as well as the economy, the statement read.
