
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed a meeting with Miroslav Lajcak, the EU’s special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Lajcak arrived in Belgrade today for a two-day visit to Serbia after his stay in Pristina.

The EU Special Representative spoke with the Kosovo representatives in Pristina, mainly about the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities and the continuation of the dialogue.


“We had a good, rational and serious meeting on the future of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. The important thing is that we agreed to continue the dialogue.”

“We agree to the continuation of the dialogue and confirm the commitment of Serbia to the continuation of that process and the desire to reach a compromise solution for the sake of a better relationship between Serbs and Albanians and the normalization of relations.”

photo: Print screen

“The other topic of conversation was the economic movements of the liver, that’s the important thing.”

“I insisted on the full implementation of the Brussels agreement, which is a condition without which the continuation of the dialogue cannot be successful.”

“Whatever the conversations are, and they know they can be bad, it’s better to talk than not talk.”

“I have confirmed the European future of Serbia, which is not just a sentence.”

“I thank Lajcak for his commitment, I understand the weight of his situation between the expectations of the countries and our position.”

photo: Youtube Printscreen, Courier Printscreen

Vučić showed an act that explains the essence of the story.

“We signed in Brussels that for everything to come true, the SSO must take place. Now I will show you an act that has not been seen until now. The police, the judiciary, Serbia have adjusted the legal framework. The Albanians had one or two elements and not AND it has been agreed that this is being fulfilled at the same time, they circumvent their obligation in every way, they consider us illiterate or semi-literate, and today they say they won’t even talk about it, if it’s in your best interest, don’t do it We want to build a common future with these people, invest in roads and railways. Serbia has delivered, now we have to withdraw and say that Serbia is not going to implement anything. I cannot say that I am optimistic, but I respect the work and effort Mr. Lajcak “.

photo: Youtube Printscreen, Courier Printscreen

“We don’t see them and we don’t want to see them as enemies. We want to build a future with them.”

“As for President Putin, I have spoken with him several times and he cannot wait to come to Serbia. But, when there are 15,000 sick and 300 dead, I did not see him go anywhere. As for Minister Lavrov, I will have to tell him. Mr. Lavrov, as things stand, will certainly come to Belgrade. “

photo: print screen


“With this dialogue, the EU intends to normalize relations, and what that normalization means, the participants in the dialogue must agree. We are not here to force anything at any time. We cannot want normalization more than the participants. The objective of the whole process is Serbia has joined the European perspective We have made progress since my last visit four months ago, we have had three meetings, we have agreed on the issue of missing persons, the continuation of the dialogue, now we are dealing with financial claims and real estate, but also with the JCC “The key to this process is that in the end no problem remains unsolved. In Pristina I insisted that everything agreed in the Brussels agreement be implemented. “

photo: print screen

“When it comes to deadlines, I’m always against setting some artificial deadlines, then we would become hostages to those deadlines. We shouldn’t delay this process, and there is no point in putting pressure on it artificially.”


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