Vučić: Serbia has been respected in the United States, we managed to open the doors of the White House


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said tonight that Serbia managed to open the doors of the White House and that Serbia was shown respect in America, and marked itself as an important partner.

“I am not stupid to think that it is not related to US-related issues, but Serbia has shown respect,” Vucic said on Serbian TV and radio program “Interview”.

Speaking about the negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo in Washington, Vučić told RTS that the White House “was reserved for the Albanians and everyone else who was against the Serbs” for the past 30 years.

“Before leaving for Washington, I hinted that there would be surprises, because our services reached the information that there would be points that have nothing to do with the economy,” said Vucic, trying to explain the context in which the agreement was signed in Washington. .

“I have been listening for two or three years; no, you cannot sit in two chairs, and I have always said that Serbia sits in their chair. Today you have more than four chairs: the EU plus Germany, the US, China and Russia, but also great players, in our region is Turkey, “said Vučić.

The position of Serbia, which is on the European path, is not easy at all, in the United States, the doors of the White House have been closed to us until now, said Vučić, stating that he brought the originals of the agreements signed in the House Blanca, “so that people can see what is true or not.”

“Behind Zakharov’s statement, there is no Russia.”

Vučić also stated that both the Russian President and Foreign Minister apologized to him for the announcement by the Russian Ministry spokesperson, Marija Zaharova.

Vučić told RTS that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “have never apologized for anything before, and now both.”

“Putin told me that the Russian state is not behind it (Zakharova’s announcement), least of all him personally,” Vucic said.

He stated that relations between Serbia and Russia are “very good”, that he has “frequent consultations” with Putin and that the public “could see how much respect Russia has” for him and for Serbia, after the “invisible post of Zaharova.”

On Saturday, Zaharova posted a photo of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić in a low chair in front of a large table with US President Donald Trump, and a photo of a scene from the movie “Low Passions”, in which actress Sharon Stone is sitting cross-legged and her skirt is high. Police interrogation.

“If you were invited to the White House and the chair was placed as if you were in an audience, sit like in photo number 2. It doesn’t matter who you are. Trust me,” Zaharova wrote.

He later apologized for the announcement and claimed it was “misinterpreted”, alluding to the fact that it was referring to the attitude of the United States towards the guest.

“Talk to Netanyahu tomorrow”

Vučić also said that the leaders of some major world powers raised the issue with him of not respecting Resolution 478 of the UN Security Council, which prohibits the opening of diplomatic missions in Jerusalem.

“I told them ‘Tell me that when we step on something, and before that, let me ask you what you stepped on’ UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (on Kosovo). They were both shocked, so they suggested that we meet soon.” said. It’s Vucic for RTS.

On Friday in Washington, Vučić pledged, in the framework of the normalization of economic relations with Kosovo, that Serbia will move the Embassy to Jerusalem before July 1, 2021. Kosovo has promised mutual recognition with Israel.

Vučić said that tomorrow he would speak to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and tell him that Serbia had given Israel “the widest hand”.

“I am not saying that Israel will not recognize Kosovo, but let’s wait and see that way,” Vucic said.

When asked what the relocation of the Serbian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will depend on, Vučić said “nothing”, without going into details.

“We will talk with the Palestinians, with our Arab friends. If Israel recognizes Kosovo, Pristina will do it before us (to open an embassy in Jerusalem), then we will see what the attitude of the Arab countries will be towards Kosovo,” said the president of Serbia .

“Serbia demands a minimum of respect and commitment”

Vučić also told RTS that Serbia respects the work and work of the European Union’s special envoy Miroslav Lačjak and the people of the EU, but Serbia will assess for itself what it has gained and lost.

His idea is to do nothing, show goodwill towards the Serbian people, let alone do something for them, Vucic told RTS, describing relations with Pristina.

It is important that the EU understand one thing, and that is that it is important to reach a compromise, and not achieve the objectives of the Union and some of the EU countries, and that Serbia is not humiliated and cornered, said Vucic.

It cannot even be promised that Serbia will become a member of the EU, as was the case with Romania and Bulgaria, Vučić noted, saying that Serbia “requires a minimum of respect and commitment.”
