Vučić: Russian vaccines arrived in Serbia, testing in Torlak


I am absolutely sure that we will win the crown, although terrible days have passed and terrible days and weeks await us, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS, optimistic about vaccines, convinced that Serbia will not be in the other half. will get them.

He said that the Russian coronavirus vaccine had arrived in Serbia and that experts would check its accuracy in the coming days at the Belgrade Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak”.

Vučić told Serbian radio and television that he expects Pfizer vaccines to arrive by the end of the year, as well as 350,000 vaccines by March 2021.

According to him, vaccines will be free for all citizens and reiterated that vaccination will not be mandatory.

Speaking of the correction of the vaccines, the president said that the producers are from “important countries of the world” and that “no one is crazy for poisoning people.”

Vučić noted that he was proud of all those who participated in the construction of the Kovid hospital in Batajnica, which will open on Friday morning and will start accepting patients, noting that you have to ask what is in someone’s head “when you think someone it was implemented at the cost of the hospital. “

According to him, it will be the largest hospital in the covid system, with 930 beds, of which 250 are in the most modern intensive care unit.

Vučić, as a guest on the “Thursdays at 9pm” program, showed photos that he said show burned out electrical switches in the new hospital and assessed that it was sabotage.

“People intentionally burned the switches with lighters yesterday,” Vučić said, claiming that the police and the investigation led by the Security Information Agency are ongoing.

We will try to build better relations with Montenegro

Vučić also said that Belgrade will try to build better relations with the new Montenegrin government, but that it will be very careful and cautious.

“We will be very careful and cautious because I see in which direction it is going, I see how this anti-Serbian campaign is imposed from the outside and how certain political factors in Montenegro must prove its Montenegrinity. And it is always shown by a negative attitude towards Serbia,” he said. .

Vučić said that the Serbian government was “sufficiently responsible and capable of standing above that” and that it “does not participate in any anti-Montenegrin campaign.”

“I am bothered by the media in Serbia who participated in the anti-Montenegrin campaign, there is no need for that,” Vucic said.

He said that the decision of the outgoing Montenegrin government to expel the Serbian ambassador to Podgorica, Vladimir Bozovic, “was not a pleasant act” and that he “did not realize that the reasons for that act were convincing in any way.”

“We acted responsibly, the first decision of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs (to expel the Montenegrin ambassador in Belgrade Tarzan Milosevic) was logical and routine, according to the Vienna Convention, but then we made a wise and intelligent political decision because our policy should It will target the Serbs and all the other peoples of Montenegro, “Vucic said.

He stated that Serbia and Montenegro “should be the closest”, but that Belgrade “will not force anyone to do anything.”

He added that he was “horrified by the campaign against the Serbs in Montenegro.”

“I am horrified that the Serbs have become occupiers and that they are making false quotes of King Nikola, and that Sekula Drljevic is the hero of a free Montenegro,” said the President of Serbia.

He reiterated that Serbia’s task is to take care of its people in other countries, according to European standards, and “not ask for anything more than what some peoples in other countries have.”

Vučić also said that Montenegro’s adherence to the “Mini-Schengen” initiative would be good for that country, but also for Serbia.
