Vučić rejected Djilas’ accusations about Serbian public debt – Politika


Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić rejected the accusations of the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Thatilas, that Serbia’s public debt amounts to 50 billion, stating that the debt is close to 26 thousand millions of euros.

Vučić rejected Đilas' accusations about Serbian public debt 1Photo: AP Photo / Darko Vojinovic)

After meeting with Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman, he told reporters that Serbia’s public friend is under control.

Speaking about the reactions of some opposition politicians to measures to suppress the spread of the corona virus, Vučić said that he believed in Serbian doctors, so as he said, Serbia did well.

“If someone does not understand that it is our job to fight for people to be alive and healthy, if they believe that it is someone’s political whim, then I think something is wrong with those people.” You cannot explain that to those who believe that the earth is a flat plate, they say that vaccines kill people, I don’t know what I would say to those people, “said Vucic.

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