VUCIC ON POLISH HOUR “We will do what crisis staff say we should”


– We will do what the crisis personnel say we need, the health and lives of our citizens, young, old and middle-aged, are much more important to us than any political point, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić noted today, responding to the journalists’ question whether a curfew will be introduced in Serbia.

First he said that he could not talk about it, because “everyone has their own opinion.”

– Everyone who has someone on the devices knows what it is like. Others can say that someone from the government is harassing them … – said Vučić.

But we, he pointed out, protect people’s health, not just the rights of citizens.

He said the equipping of the Batajnica hospital will begin tonight.

– There is no longer any way to thank our health workers – said Vučić and sent a request to citizens to respect the measures.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Let us remind you, in the last 24 hours, 18,980 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 6,109 of them tested positive, 29 people died from the consequences of kovida-19.

Today black records were broken: both in the number of new infected, since we broke the black crown of 6,000 for the first time, and in the number of deaths in one day, since yesterday was the blackest yesterday, November 18, with 27 lives lost.

The growth trend is recorded in all places in our country, and the four largest cities do not descend from the infamous throne. The leader, as in all previous days, is Belgrade, in which more than 2,000 people were infected for another day, more precisely 2,143 of them. Today, growth is recorded in our second largest city, Novi Sad, where 463 new infected people were registered, while in Kragujevac there are 246 dramatic cases. Nis is dangerously close to the critical number of 200, so in one day 182 new cases were recorded in our largest city in southern Serbia.

Tomorrow, the crisis staff for the fight against the corona virus will meet at 9:00 am in the Palace of Serbia. Proposals for new measures to be debated should be on the table, and some of them are already widely debated in public.

VIDEO: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
