Vučić landed in Serbia at Batajnica airport, a plane with cargo of exceptional importance (VIDEO)



25.12.2020. 13:36 – 25.12.2020. 14:03

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić received a plane with medical equipment from the United Arab Emirates at Batajnica airport.

The plane with medical equipment, which the UAE donated to Serbia, landed in Belgrade today at around 1:30 pm and was received by President Aleksandar Vučić at the Batajnica military airport.

The equipment, valued at millions of euros, includes respirators, scanners and MRI devices.

The UAE also sent a plane on March 29 with the first part of the aid with means of protection for the fight against the corona virus.

At that time, 10 tons of aid arrived from the UAE: 13,750 protective suits and 15,000 hospital suits, 500,000 gloves, 30,000 protective products for footwear, 20,000 masks, 6,000 paramedics.

Vucic addressed the public

The medical equipment, worth several million euros, which arrived in Serbia as aid, is the personal aid of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan and is enough for an entire kovid hospital, said President Aleksandar Vucic, who received the plane with equipment at the Batajnica military airport. .

– Many of the highest quality machines have arrived. A single MRI weighs 14 tons. These are devices worth one million euros. Cutting scanner, mobile cutting scanner, X-ray machines, respirators, both ordinary and high-flow. They also sent 30,000 spacesuits, with all kinds of consumables. That’s a multimillion dollar help, ”he said.

Vučić said that it was help that did not cost Serbia a dinar, and even the transport was arranged by a great friend of Serbia from the UAE, Sheikh Mohamed.

– We didn’t deserve this except the friendship we have with him. This is enough for a Kovid hospital team, he added.

Vučić announced that the obtained equipment will now go to the warehouse, from where it will be distributed to hospitals and clinical centers throughout Serbia, where it will be most needed.

– Thank you very much for everything. They solved the issue of vaccines and many other things before others in the world, because they invested and had a vision for the people who run that country, Vučić added.

He said there will be a 64-slice CT scanner at VMC Karaburma.

He recalled that this is the second plane with medical equipment that arrives from the Emirate.

– Team and help that means a lot to us. Only an MRI weighs 14.5 tons, imagine what it costs on this plane – said Vučić.

The charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Belgrade pointed out that the team arrived as help and support to the friend Serbia to overcome the crisis with the crown.

– To help her overcome all this, to fight the evil virus and we hope that the whole world will get rid of this plague – he said.


Vučić stated that he, as well as the Speaker of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, will receive another vaccine approved by the Drug Agency to show citizens that everything is completely safe.
