“Vucic is mad at me, but I don’t regret it”



08.12.2020. 07:00 – 08.12.2020. 07:23

Vladimir Đukanović, SNS deputy, was a guest on the “Hit Tweet” program on Sunday evening, in which he harshly criticized the work of crisis personnel and read several, as he himself claimed, contradictory statements by epidemiologist Predrag Kon about coronavirus.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Hello / Marko Metlaš

Fifteen minutes later, while the program was still running, the president of his party and Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, took to Twitter and apologized to Kon and the crisis headquarters for Djukanović’s attack on them.

– I apologize to Dr. Kon and the crisis staff for the attacks coming from the group I lead. I apologize, because you did not deserve it at all. Unfortunately, responsibility is the least valued in Serbia, and it will take us a long time to win over politicking and frivolity, Vučić wrote on Twitter.

After that, as expected, a lot of dust was raised in the public and the media, and everyone wondered what their relationship was like now. Djukanovic himself gave the answers to that, but also to other questions in the “Hello!” Conversation.

He said he did not regret his performance because he only expressed his personal position, but also added that he was willing to pay the political price if his party and leader deemed it necessary. He also claimed that he knew that Vučić was very angry with him.

– I said what I thought, that’s my position, I’m preparing to respond and die if necessary. That’s how I was, that’s how I am, that’s how I’ll be as long as I live. Vučić is mad at me, it is no secret, I could have guessed that it would not be correct if he said that the crisis personnel were executed, but I said and now there is no turning back, I am ready to accept any kind of responsibility and pay the price political if necessary – Djukanovic told us at the beginning of the conversation.

Vladimir Djukanovic Djuka

Vladimir Đukanović Đuka, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

He then referred to the reactions that came from various sides after all that event.

– I thank everyone who saw the “Hit Tweet” program. Thank you very much first of all to those who supported me, but certainly also to those who sincerely criticized me. However, I am very grateful to the false friends and pats on the shoulder that showed their true face moving faster and better in a confrontation with me in order to flatter themselves, because only by flattering them did they know how to get into positions. Here, I place particular emphasis on those who hated me with equal zeal until 2012, when they were advisers to Tadic and prominent members of the DS, and who invented the worst media abominations for us. They hate me with the same zeal even today when they are on social media. It is good that they give themselves the freedom to love the SNS more than me today, just as they are the ones who are defending the president of the party on the front line, and that, look at the miracles, from me. They had no backbone or attitude in 2012, as they do not today – declared Đukanović, adding:

– Those in the opposition were especially funny, they think that nobody in the SNS should have and express their position, as if we were the League of Communists, it is clear that they are actually used to functioning, democracy reigns in the SNS, not unanimity – Djukanovic concluded.

What did Djuka say on the show?

Djukanovic said that on January 26 Kon assessed that the risk of coronavirus was small, that a month later he said that the common flu was more dangerous than kovida-19, and on March 14 that he would resign if school classes were interrupted.

– Say seven days later (also in March) that “SARS did not die so fast” … Now he says that the measures were delayed, and at first he said that the virus was nothing – said Djukanovic.

The deputy mentioned that he considers Kona a great expert and probably the best epidemiologist in Serbia, but evaluated that the only two solutions for a pandemic are “to close everything so that the virus slows down”, or the development of a vaccine or acquire herd immunity .
