VUCIC IN THE MORNING Why am I canceling the Council session? We are waiting for additional experience, the public will be amazed on Thursday


VUCIC IN THE MORNING Why am I canceling the Council session?  We are waiting for additional experience, the public will be amazed on Thursday

Photo: TV First Printedcreen

We are waiting for additional expertise, I canceled due to formal legal matters, and when we announce that people will be more than shocked, we will first tell people to take the children out, not to look at it – said the president, adding that it will be seen who swore allegiance to the assassins.

BELGRADE – Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will be invited to the morning program this morning at 10am.

Immediately after his arrival on TV Prva, he also said why he canceled yesterday’s session of the National Security Council.

Aleksandar Vucic
photo: Print screen first

– We are waiting for additional expertise, I canceled for formal legal reasons, and when we announce that the people will be more than shocked, first we will tell the people to take the children – said the president, adding that it will be seen who pledged allegiance to the murderers.

He said it will be in a few days, most likely Thursday, but that before showing it to people you have to review everything. Vučić added that people saw guns, snipers, but what they will see …

– People will not only be scandalized, but also Europe and the world… They will see who we were dealing with – he added.

– There will be many surprises and many people who will be questioned – he added and emphasized that we also have indications of the participation of foreign services, and there are three important things:

– Some services believe that Serbia should not be the leading country in the region and that the little ones should be supported and turned against Serbia.

– Under two important factors is that Serbia has managed to grow and progress because it is growing faster economically, building hospitals, roads faster … The average salary in Belgrade in December was 700 euros, more than 82,000 dinars. So all those services saw that Serbia could not be hijacked as easily as before, and that is why the services believe that additional instability should be introduced.

photo: Prva TV print screen

Vučić repeated on several occasions that he is neither beautiful, nor charming, nor sympathetic even to his family, but that people vote for him because they see the results. He reiterated that he is very sensitive to children, as well as his brother, who is two years older and with whom, as he himself says, he is tied with an umbilical cord, as if they were Siamese twins.


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