Vučić: If we close everything, I don’t know why we will be able to pay anything – Politika


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that the new covid-hospital in Batajnica will start receiving the first patients in three to four days, and that the medical center will be able to receive 800 patients no later than Friday morning.

Vučić: If we close everything, I don't know why we will be able to pay anything 1Photo: Instagram / Buducnost Srbije

During the tour of the works of the covid-hospital in Kruševac, he stated that he expected the institution to start accepting patients by December 15 and that it would certainly start on December 20 at the latest.

“We are continuing the construction of KCV, many general hospitals, we are bringing 15 respirators here, there will be 250 respirators in Belgrade, we are filling those facilities with the most modern equipment possible,” Vucic said.

He added that Serbia faces innumerable problems, that building a hospital in the short term is not an easy task and that the contractor meets a large number of requirements for the construction of a medical center for the first time.

The president also said that the authorities would accept any decision made by the Crisis Staff in tomorrow’s session, but asked them to understand that the State “must pay both pensions and salaries.”

“If we shut down everything in Serbia, I don’t know why we can pay,” Vucic said.

Responding to criticism from epidemiologist Predrag Kon and the rest of the crisis staff, Vučić said citizens should always “find someone to blame,” and that analysis of the death rate in other countries indicates how well they did their job. job.

“People who show strength and character generally feel uncomfortable around other people,” Vucic said.

He also said that the state is considering additional aid measures for the hospitality and tourism sector, to be defined in the coming days.

“We will find a way to help in some other way, be it by paying another minimum or how … And when we say we have nothing, we have always saved a little for the dark days,” concluded Vučić.

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