Vučić: I was heard, it was a coup attempt


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said he knew that he had been overheard by the wiretaps, “that the locals were working and the competent authorities will determine whether they were connected with foreigners,” noting that the wiretapping of the president was an attempted coup. direct.

There is only one target, which is Aleksandar Vučić and all those who dare to support him publicly, Vučić told TV Pink, noting that since 2014 a campaign has been running in which his family is trying to make a copy with the family. by Slobodan Milošević when we have the information.

Everything here is based on outright lies: they started with stories that my brother is the owner of the Franš restaurant, who owns a hectare of land in Vojvodina, and then they started with the oldest son, he recalled.

My heart aches because of what I did to Danilo and Milica, what I do in politics, what became the target of the services, said Vučić, who assures that Danilo was followed by people from the police and reported to certain services .

Then we come to “Jovanjica”, in which people from the state participated, and which will be evaluated by the competent state authorities, Vučić said.

Certain sources immediately said, to divert attention from his responsibility: ‘Hey, say I was in a relationship with Andrej.’ They are trying to make the police heroes for two days, and we will see them on a real polygraph and with real questions from the polygraph, Vučić said.

The Stefan Nemanja monument is magnificent

Our job is to help Croatia, everyone in the neighborhood, but they will greet us like this if we help our people in the Republika Srpska or Montenegro, Vučić said, recalling that Belgrade sent evidence for the crown to the Albanians because they did not have them.

The only target of the Pristina media, the only opponent of all in Pristina who are at all costs for the independence of Kosovo, is me, Aleksandar Vucic, said and evaluated that “you cannot deceive the Serbs in Kosovo, because they think these people don’t know when to vote.

“That’s why 90 percent of the people vote for us, me as the president, when I’m a traitor,” Vucic said.

When they attacked our shrines in Kosovo, they gave announcements, they argued about who would go to Romania, that’s what they were doing, he recalled.

Vučić said the Stefan Nemanja monument was made by Russia’s second-greatest sculptor, international public procurement was carried out and a “fantastic competition commission” was created.

The monument is magnificent and fits wonderfully into that part of the city, and behind it is a new and modern part. The monument is facing Nemanjina and Slavija streets, Vučić assessed.

That pedestal looks fantastic, they’ll learn about the Nemanjić family there, Vučić emphasized, stating that some people here “lie” that the monument costs more than the Statue of Liberty in New York.

I brought evidence that they were lying. The Statue of Liberty cost 400,000 dollars in the 19th century, and in today’s money it is 10.4 million dollars and with a pedestal of 17.5 million dollars. And they agreed, Vucic said.

I am ashamed that something terrible happened in Belgrade when the Eternal Flame was extinguished. That means we have fascist thugs in Belgrade, and I think the competent authorities will find them, Vučić said, announcing that the flames will be lit on Christmas day.
