Vučić follows Putin and praises Xi Jinping – Politika


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s speech to the media yesterday had great similarities with the now traditional annual press conferences of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, some representatives of diplomatic circles told Danas unofficially.

Vučić follows Putin and praises Xi Jinping 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV

Our sources note that Putin is “a master in promoting his character and work”, and recall that Vučić once said that he more frequently watches the Russian information channel Russia 24 on the screens of the Presidency.

As they explain, “it is the Russian version of the American CNN, where Putin is always the first news, and every day, and his important meetings, press conferences, receptions, etc., are broadcast directly and without shortening, and without comment. of journalists “.

Diplomats also emphasize that the president of Serbia followed his Russian counterpart when it comes to issues such as the “current coronavirus epidemic, the economic situation and insisting on the need to preserve the stability of the state.”

As they note, Putin and Vučić also have a common tendency to harshly criticize their political opponents.

Yesterday, Vučić, among other things, said that he was “in dialogue with the opposition every day, which speaks the worst of me, and I try to do the best for Serbia.”

– I had a burning desire to participate in the next dialogue (authorities and opposition on electoral conditions), which should take place in the Assembly, but the opposition does not speak to me… How to speak to someone when Hitler is called? That is why I am not going to participate in that, he said, noting that those who call him that “do not have even five percent support together, according to public opinion polls.”

Similarly, in his speech to the media on December 17, Putin rejected the claims of the Russian opposition and some media.

He noted that the “trick” was that Russian state agents were blamed for poisoning opposition leader Alexei Navalny, when they accused him of “relying on the help of the US secret services.”

However, the Russian and Serbian presidents differ on the “minutes” of the press conference: while Vučić spoke for just over an hour yesterday, Putin has a habit of speaking for more than four hours.

Diplomats also emphasize that “it is not a coincidence” that Vučić praised Chinese President Xi Jinping on several occasions yesterday, including the message: “I had the courage to tell US President Donald Trump that Serbia has very, very good relations with China.” . “

“In the West, they concluded that it is not good for them to fight on two fronts, against Russia and against China at the same time, because that unites these two countries, which makes the position of the West difficult.” That is why the West, including the United States and the EU, now wants to focus as much as possible on fighting against Russian influence and interests. Vučić is aware of this and therefore emphasizes cooperation with China at this time. And the other reason to praise China is vaccines, because the delivery of a certain amount of Russian vaccines was provided by embroidery, “say the sources of our article.

Aleksandar Vučić also claimed that despite the difficult year due to the corona virus, Serbia is “the champion of Europe in terms of economic growth”, and that he was happy about German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reaction to that.

As RTS reported, he said that the economic results “would encourage us on the European path, but also that we would maintain friendship with those who did not turn their back on us when it was more difficult.”

Responding to a journalist’s question, the President of Serbia said that he would soon be vaccinated, but had not yet decided which vaccine it would be.

“Today is the main tabloid”

In his speech on Andrić’s crown, the President of Serbia also mentioned our document. In his opinion, “Today is the main tabloid.” He also claimed that “the media moguls want to flood the Kovid hospital in Batajnica.”

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