
Photo: Happy TV Printscreen
BELGRADE – The case of the wiretapping of the President of Serbia, which came to light on the eve of the New Year, rightly concerned the national public because a justified question arises: whether anyone can listen to the head of state, who is also the head of all intelligence services, and for which there are no legal preconditions. Then you can wait for any of us.
Special adviser to the Minister of the Interior and lawyer Svetozar Vujacic, lawyer Branko Lukic, Milica Djurdjevic Zavetnica, former Debevac Bozidar Boza Spasic and publicist Marko Lopusina, known for his books on the work of secret services, spoke on the subject of wiretapping the President of Serbia on the morning TV show Happy.
Vujacic: Complete management structure responsible for the former Minister of the Interior and his associates
Interior Ministry special adviser and lawyer Vujacic said that listening to the president was a terrible thing and a precedent, and that Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said he would expel him and determine who he was or not, and that it did not matter who he was. perpetrator. who the customer is, who came up with it and it will be made public.

– In my opinion, this is an attempt at preparatory action for a coup attempt – Vujacic emphasized, adding that this is a precedent because the head of the BIA, Bratislav Gasic, was also heard, which gives him special weight.
He also said that according to him, the counterintelligence service and the entire management structure of the former Interior Minister and his associates are responsible here according to the principle of strict liability! He said that he speaks openly and that it is time someone responded.
Vujacic added that it was not a coincidence that there was a rotation at the head of the MUP and that he knew for a fact that Vucic was entitled to unlimited and great trust in Minister Vulin and BIA director Bratislav Gasic, just as he trusts his brother Andrej.
When asked if the president has confidence in former minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Vujacic said he would abstain.
– He had a lot, I know for sure … – Vujacic said, adding that he was one of the favorites and that he was important in the sense of the game.
– According to me, and I told him that and he was angry, Nebojsa surrounded himself with amateur partners, among whom there is not a single lawyer. He added that we should be sure that Vulin will end this.
He said the wiretapping of the president lasted the last year and a half.
Milica Zavetica: Here I will say without hesitation who it is
This morning, Milica Đurđević Zavetnica said on the program that she would openly and without hesitation say that there is no doubt that someone close to Vučić is in the media, and that the responsibility for that is attributed to Minister Nebojša Stefanović. He added that the question arises as to which foreign embassy these transcripts were sent to, who wanted to be recommended to a foreign ambassador or a foreign service …

Lopusina said at the beginning that President Aleksandar Vučić is not only the target of internal but also foreign services, so it is known that the services of Bosnia and Herzegovina are eavesdropping on Vučić and Dodik, and the Croatian services of Vučić and Dačić to find out if there is some division between these high-level politicians. He added that all the leadership of the state is in the objective of spying on the British intelligence service, which is interested in this part of the region. He believes that some of the clans may have been behind all this with the help of their own in the Interior Ministry, from the moment Vučić declared war on organized crime.

Spasic: this was the beginning of a silent coup
As for the internal factor, and who is the one who can order the wiretapping, Boza Spasic said that there has been a disintegration of the racial system because “not all eggs” can order someone to eavesdrop. He said that all this with Vučić started at the same time as the Jovanjic case, and now the question is who made the anti-drug department possible. Also, who knows what they wanted with those wiretapping documents because they are in high demand in the foreign market. He added that he had programmed a complete apparatus here, especially counterintelligence, which must not allow this to happen at all. He also emphasized that this was the beginning of a silent coup, adding that a foreign factor was also involved.

He said that in the case of President Vučić, the protection of counterintelligence had failed and that it seemed to him that this was an internal matter because there was no trial or criminal act ordering such a measure. He added that the motive could be sales, for example, Bosnians or Albanians, or a political motive for the British to support him tomorrow.
Lawyer Lukić adhered exclusively to the legal framework, noting that the legal route for wiretapping is only that provided by the Criminal Procedure Code, and only when it comes to precisely defined serious crimes – acts against constitutional order, terrorism, human trafficking, aggravated homicide and has a maximum duration of 3 months, it can be extended for only 3 more months, except in the case of organized crime, where the measure can be extended for another half year. The judicial process is ordered at the proposal of the prosecutor for the exact crime and with the decision of the judge.

(Printing screen Kurir.rs/TV Happy / TV Happy)

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