Vučić does not attend trials with opposition politicians, Spasić obstructed Jeremić


Two years ago, the leader of the People’s Party, Vuk Jeremic, sued the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, because he called him the leader of an international gang of thieves. However, a preparatory hearing was held, then there was replacement of judges for this case, and another was held today. A new hearing is scheduled for January 19. The president has so far not appeared at the trial.

Only Vuk Jeremic appeared in the courtroom and said that he would not abandon the lawsuit.

Aleksandar Vučić’s defense attorney says that he will come out only when they hear what the president said two years ago.

“Until we see the video, we cannot testify because it is not clear what Aleksandar Vučić said and what he quoted from the foreign media,” said Vučić’s lawyer Dragan Palibrk.

“It is a serious international gang of thieves, I have not investigated it yet, now we are going to ask the US services for everything. It is a serious group of international thieves led by Vuk Jeremic. It is not from yesterday, we knew it for a long time. You know when you look at the embassies of certain countries, they pay him money and you wonder what this is about, “Aleksandar Vučić said in May 2018.

After the hearing, Jeremic could not address the media for an hour in front of the Palace of Justice, because of Simo Spasic, so his associates called the police. However, neither the police nor the inspectors reacted, so some citizens tried. That didn’t pay off either.

The leader of the Popular Party says he will win the process, because, as he says, he is not the head of an international gang of thieves.

“You get to see and hear here when Aleksandar Vucic sent it, because he didn’t have the courage to face me in the courtroom,” said Vuk Jeremic.

Lawyer Vladimir Gajić says that it was proposed to the court that Aleksandar Vučić be heard as a citizen in this lawsuit.

“He can also refuse to be questioned, but because of that, he would suffer the consequences and increase his chances of losing the dispute so that it is not worth it,” Gajić said.

The leader of the Popular Party in 2018 explained that these are not the only accusations against his family by the Serbian Progressive Party.

“When he accused my wife of being the head of a drug gang, our judiciary technically managed to stop his lawsuit so that he could not go to Strasbourg. This time there is a direct path that leads to Strasbourg,” Jeremic noted at the time.

“I’m going to fight for the principle, and for the fact that people should not lose hope,” Jeremic said in front of the Courthouse.
