Vučić: Director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic Goran Stevanović infected with coronavirus


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, was infected with the coronavirus and was in isolation.

The legend of our infectious disease hospital and its first man, Goran Stevanovic, is also infected, and today he is not doing his duty, because he is isolated. You don’t want to bring the bed of someone who is in a more serious condition, so we all worry a little about their health. condition, “Vučić said at the press conference following the meeting with the directors of covid hospitals in Serbia.

He said that despite the large numbers, things are kept under control, but he warned that a large number of medical personnel have been infected with the coronavirus.

Vučić stated that due to the complexity of the situation in Belgrade, 30 new beds are being opened today at Dragiša Mišović Clinical Hospital, and new beds will be opened in the intensive care unit at Zemun hospital starting tomorrow.

“We will continue to maintain a part of the non-kovid hospitals. We do not yet need to give the entire hospital in Zemun for kovid patients. We will do the same with the Pančevo hospital. The next one we will open for kovid patients will be the Hospital of the City in Zvezdara. We have more in the Arena. Patients, but I would ask people that when they refuse to go to the Arena, and are in the hospital, they know that they are responsible for their own health. The Arena looks very good and you have all kinds of protection and privacy, “explained Vucic.

He also announced the completion of works at Batajnica hospital and an additional 300 places in intensive care units.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
