VUCIC DIRECTED FROM PARIS: Good talks in France, great help expected from Macron for EU accession


Macron arrives in Serbia

The president of Serbia said that the French president would visit Serbia in a few months.

Macron will come to Serbia in September or October and it will be a great visit, we will have many agreements to sign, Vučić said, adding that good talks were held in Paris.


Macron told me twice how smart we fight.

– Until we vaccinate a million and a half or two million people, we have not finished the job.

Israel and Pristina

– That was expected for six months. We fight and wait and that is why we did not want to sign it in the joint agreement in Washington.

The president said that Israel, of course, is in favor of the Americans and added that there are other options for us.

– I carry the Serbian coat of arms and flag in my heart, and I respect everyone else – Vučić noted, responding to criticism that by inviting people to go to the polls in Kosovo and Metohija, legitimacy is given to the fake state of Kosovo.

He said Belgrade would wait to see if Pristina would honor at least part of the Washington agreement.

– We’ll see if Pristina accepts her part of the Washington agreement.

– They want to build a railway through northern Kosovo with Kraljevo and Raska to take over the Serbian railways in northern Kosovo. Another problem is Lake Gazivode.

The president said he was waiting to see when Pristina would enter the Mini Schengen.

Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina

The Serbian president said that he saw nothing else in the politicians of Pristina except the desire to create a bigger Albania that could bring us closer to serious dialogue.

– It takes two to talk, I don’t see that.

The Serbian president said that he believes in the important role of Macron when it comes to geopolitical relations after the election of the new US administration.

Military technical cooperation

The Serbian president said that he had also discussed military-technical cooperation with Macron and looked forward to talking more about it during the next meeting.

Metro in Belgrade

The president said that the subway will most likely depart from Visnjica and Karaburma.

– We are also talking about the metro, we think that by the end of the year we will start with the works on the first line that will connect five municipalities – said Vučić.

According to him, the first line will connect five municipalities in the most remote areas of Zvezdara, through Palilula to Cukarica.

For all the people who live there, he says, this will mean a lot because it will connect them to the center and increase the value of their properties.

At the same time, he adds, another line will be built from Mirijevo, through Slavija and Belgrade in the water over the bridge and the Sava to the stadium in Zemun.

– We have also planned the third line we will work on from block 71, which must pass through the center of New Belgrade and connect it with the center of Belgrade. We will import everything with a fast train – he emphasized.

Methodology by “clusters”

When it comes to changing the EU accession methodology

– Now the chapters will open in groups and I think that in a year we will open more chapters than before – said Vučić. He added that he believes there are some innovative solutions.

– During the coronary virus pandemic, people avoid meetings and take care not to expose their employees to great risks, so there are almost no conferences of this type, but this is a test of the true friendship of President Macron in solving problems in the Western Balkans.

Vučić said he was grateful that Macron understood Serbia’s position.

– I experienced things I never dreamed of, the president took me to the cellar of the Elysee Palace. We also had face-to-face conversations on two occasions.

Asked if the current inactivity of the EU in the enlargement process means that we are left alone, Vučić said that he always believes in us and in our strength, which is no longer like when we collapsed in 2008, it disappeared from the face of the earth.

– Everything depends on us. We must not teach people that the most important thing is someone’s help, but our strength, the strength of our economy and our politics to follow the European path and work in the search for compromise solutions – he emphasized

The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was at the center of the talks between the two presidents, and Serbia’s future progress towards the EU was discussed according to the new “cluster” methodology, which was determined at the initiative of the French president. Much attention is paid to the economic relations between Serbia and France.

Before today’s meeting, President Macron told Vučić that Serbia has a sincere friend in France and that he is satisfied that Vučić accepted the new “cluster” methodology. In addition, Macron praised Serbia’s efforts and the way it addressed the immunization of the population.

President Vučić invited Macron to visit Serbia again.

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