Vucic did not implicitly recognize Kosovo (video)



13.09.2020. 22:59 – 14.09.2020. 00:58

In the program with Olja Bećković, the teachers did not agree with Tadić’s position.

Print of the week

Print of the week, Photo: Printskrin

The guests of “Impression of the week” with Olja Bećković were Miloš Hrnjaz, assistant professor at FPN, Marko Milanović, prof. International Law at the University of Nottingham and Boris Tadić, President of the SDS.

Olja Bećković asked a specific question: Is Boris Tadic right when he said that an independent Kosovo was implicitly recognized?

Hrnjaz said that this was not true, which was confirmed by prof. Marko Milanović, who also gave an extensive explanation:

– I wouldn’t say, this is not an implicit confession. This category is nebulous. According to Tadic, any kind of normalization of relations with Kosovo is actually a kind of recognition of the reality that there is a political community that is not the same as Serbia, that there is a government that is negotiating with us. Legally, if Serbia recognized Kosovo as a state, it is not. But you can’t help but recognize the state millimeter by millimeter, or recognize the state or not.

It is clear how it is done. This is not an implicit recognition of Kosovo. The DS government has spent a lot of time on these formal matters so that it cannot be objected to having implicitly recognized Kosovo. The question of legal recognition of Kosovo is something to be negotiated now, the result could be threefold: Continuation of the status quo, then a legally binding agreement, where Serbia will say: We do not recognize Kosovo, but we do not oppose Kosovo’s entry into the UN and other international organizations, and the third result is that Serbia recognizes an independent Kosovo. These are three possible outcomes, these are the steps that will lead to that outcome, whatever it may be: said prof. Milanovic.
