Vučić called the independent media liars


The president of Serbia claims that his brother does not have an inch of land in Vojvodina. Although a member of the Anti-Corruption Council spoke about it in NIN, Vučić also accuses H1 of spreading falsehoods. At the president’s conference, there were no responses on the beating in Novi Sad and on the Aseko company because no questions could be asked of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Police.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić was invited to promotion of new police officers who have completed their training at the Makiš training center, but on that occasion he again commented on the work of certain media, calling them – among others, our television – liars. Although these days the issues related to the Police Minister and the Prime Minister are in the public eye, Vučić did not allow H1 to ask them a question.

When I look at these rows of blue uniforms, the first word that comes to mind is confidence, said the Minister of Police. Is trust the first association even when Stefanović looks at Vučić? The question mark is not necessary for the word that first came to mind when the president read the cover of the weekly NIN, he said it himself: “liars.”

The weekly NIN published interview with member of the Anti-Corruption Council Jelisaveta Vasilić in which, under the heading “A systemic theft is taking place”, he explains that the Council is compiling documentation on the old factories in Vojvodina.

“Whoever comes from the farms of Vojvodina says that Andrej Vučić is the main one in the purchase of land and that everything happens through him. We have not documented it yet. The institutions refuse to cooperate, they do not give us documents, and that indicates the absence total of the fight against corruption “. foreign authorities, “Vasilic warned.

Pro-government media asked the president to comment on, as they say, another attack on his family. Along the way, the President also commented on the work of the media, which broadcast the statement of a member of the Anti-Corruption Council.

You don’t have a single macaw parcel of land anywhere in Vojvodina. I ask you to take me, that these liars from H1, NIN, Vremena, all together, take me to one of my brother’s plots anywhere in Vojvodina. See that I can tell you what lies are? And of course, they will never get me anywhere, because there is no such thing, “Vucic said.

Today there were no topics: why the Novi Sad police chief was replaced and whether the search for the perpetrator of the brutal beating is progressing, or how the company of the prime minister’s brother reached agreements with state companies. He arrived as a guest, but in the end he easily assumed the role of host, leaving the most invited, the minister and the prime minister, in the background.

Vucic: Is that so? Thank you.

N1: Can we ask a question, excuse me?

Vucic: Here it is with H1, please.

N1: Thank you very much, it is simply not for you, President, I apologize …

Vučić: Well, I’m the only one answering today.

N1: We can’t ask Minister Stefanović anything and …

Vučić: I only answer today, I ask them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow when I am in Turkey.

N1: Well thank you very much.

Vucic: Have you noticed, people, you know, that you no longer have anything to ask me, because every time, all the falsehoods and everything else that is put in those media, I tear them to pieces and that is why there are no more questions for me, because the truth is not you can win … Long live Serbia!

Vucic said and flew to Turkey. The president should not ask about everything, he should give others space to tear journalists to pieces, perhaps tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or only when the presidential plane returns. Until then, H1 will probably reassemble itself.
