Vučić Brnabić Grenel opening of the DFC office


The CEO of the American International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), Adam Bohler, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, symbolically, after signing a joint statement, virtually opened the DFC office. “Where the Americans come from, where the Americans want to invest, where the US Development Agency is, there is a future and those are good signs and symbols for such a country, for such a region. We are proud that such an office is opening in Belgrade and proud we are what these people will see and will care about what we will do, “said Vucic.

The meeting between the Serbian state leadership and the delegation of the United States of America began today at around 2:00 p.m. at the Serbian Palace in Belgrade and ended at around 3:00 p.m., when the statement was signed. The meeting was attended by the President and Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić and Ana Brnabić, the envoy of the President of the United States for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, and the Executive Director of the American International Development Financial Corporation (DFC) , Adam Bohler.

After that, Vučić said that Serbia had not had such an important deal in the economic sphere with the United States since 1881, adding that this was an important day.

Addressing after the opening of the office, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that the talks in Washington were not easy at all, but that Serbia would comply with the signed obligations. He affirms that much has been achieved there because the doors of the old friendship have been opened. He thanked the President of the United States, Donald Trump, for saying that he had enough understanding and wanted to “listen to us, we did not always want to listen to everyone”, that they were also patient and wanted to show respect for both the Serbian people and citizens. from Serbia. .

Vučić affirmed that today there is such an American team in Serbia, which shows that what happened in Washington “is not only because of the American elections”, as they say in public, but “above all because of their idea of ​​being more present in the region and for they all help us to live normally, to be able to “develop” through the economy. “Our idea is to develop economic relations with our partners in the Western Balkans, to have four freedoms, and that is the freedom of flow of goods, people, capital and services, and we believe it will improve the lives of all people, “said Vucic.

The president of Serbia assessed that the arrival of the DFC has a symbolic meaning, because all the credit agencies “that value Serbia very well” see it. “Where the Americans come, where the US Development Agency is, there is a future and those are good signs for such a country, for a region like this. We are proud that such an office is being opened in Belgrade and we are proud that these people watch and are concerned about what we are going to do, ”he said, highlighting the importance of the infrastructure projects that will connect Serbia with Durres.

Vučić said that last year there was an “all-time high in trade with the US”, double that of 2013, but claimed that they were still relatively small numbers: 854 million dollars, and stated that he believed that through this cooperation, Serbia could in five years to achieve double growth in that segment.

It is very important for us, and we discussed it with Adam (Boler), that they participate in these guarantee schemes for micro, small and medium-sized companies, something that we already did for our economy, and we delivered close to two billion during the coronation. crisis, of which I am proud, said Vučić.

“This is a good day for Serbia, I am grateful to President Trump, Adam Boler, Rick Grenel, we will work quickly on the opening of the airline,” said the President of Serbia.

He stated that this is good work for the people, both Serbian and Albanian, adding that “we will build roads, railways.” We have resolved a part of this section with the EU, we will continue talking with the USA, you know that the USA participates in the financing of more projects in different ways, we want even more projects, said Vučić.

Vučić said that he hopes that “we will get into all these projects in a short period of time”, stating that he expects works in Merdar, but also that he is thinking “what will we do from Plocnik, when will we open the first airline, it will be Lufthansa … It is important for us to connect, to be able to export goods and services. “

He said the Belgrade on Water construction site is one of the most beautiful in Southeastern Europe, adding that 250 foreign workers are already working there, from Albania and Turkey. “And there will be more and more of them, everything that will be lived better in Serbia, we will need that working group,” added Vucic, specifying that the issue of work permits will be resolved.

Grenel had an idea, he said, and see how to jointly renovate the building of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense, adding that he believes it is important and valuable, while preserving the historical and architectural forms.

“Negotiations under the auspices of the EU, we will await meetings with the United States”

“We will continue our talks with the Albanians under the auspices of the EU, but it is not that we will not flee, but we will look forward with pleasure and joy to the meetings with our American friends to discuss all these issues, from Little Schengen, which is a cornerstone for the economic development of the region “. he said.

Vučić stated that he should say that “he personally likes the approach of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, just as he likes the way he spoke to him.” “The freest way, without bureaucratic obstacles, without notes that say what he and I should say to him. We talked about everything we wanted to talk about, but in a different way,” said Vucic, adding that he saw fear in politicians of the that they would like to “live in the past, in their dreams of the nineties and never leave it”, highlighting that “they think they managed to get out of it”.

Bohler: the people were chosen over political divisions

DFC office opensSource: H1

The executive director of the American International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), Adam Bohler, began by giving, as he said, praise to Vučić, President Trump and the President of Kosovo, because “the agreement is a reflection that this region and this country will not be locked into the past. future. And that made this visit possible today. “

He said that they came because they saw the commitment to change and because they believe in the strength of the region, stating that this is not a symbolic opening, but that they are convinced that the office is something that will stay, that it will be permanent, stating that this is a historic moment because … “The leaders of these countries have chosen the people over political divisions, they have chosen business and economic development over the dividing lines of the past.”

Bohler called John Jovanovic, who said his parents were from the region, who said he was a private sector leader, a proud American and a patriot, and was very happy to be there and lead their efforts. to carry out projects for this region and Serbia.

For me, this is the biggest part and responsibility, this is an opportunity that appears once in a lifetime, said Jovanović, adding that he wants the Balkans to be a symbol of peace and prosperity. He thanked Trump for recognizing the potential for the United States to help Belgrade and Pristina on their path to reconciliation, and stated that work would begin immediately in close cooperation with European development banks.

Grenel: Trump plans to come

The US president’s envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Richard Grenel, said that President Trump plans to come to Serbia, but that there is no date for the visit yet.

Grenel said that Vucic “gave a vision of what Trump can expect” from his arrival in Serbia.

“And it’s about time that happened. President Trump takes it very seriously. I don’t have a specific date, but he has expressed his desire to come and I can’t wait to see him here,” Grenel said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić confirmed that Trump accepted the invitation to come to Serbia.

Grenel: Vučić is honest about what he can and cannot do

“I want them to keep our word, many promises have been made, and it is important that we are committed to it, not just putting words on paper. It does not make sense for people who want to create a life for themselves and their families,” Grenel said .

“Symbolism is important, but it doesn’t put food on the table. So we ask the people of Serbia to remember our obligations, keep our word and you will see that jobs are really being created. The whole region can benefit from this,” he added . .

Grenel said Vucic “was honest about what he can and cannot do.”

“I had to work hard on both sides, I know there will be more, and we do not ask that Serbia always agree with the United States, there will be a difference, but what I wanted is to dedicate ourselves to dialogue, and in the end, whatever the decision was. , parting as friends, ”Grenel said, expressing hope that these were“ completely new relationships ”.

“Political problems will be encountered along the way, but when people have high-paying jobs, tensions and political strife will subside. President Trump has focused on the economy, and our commitment to the people of Serbia is that we will always keep our promises. I’m excited. Around this, this is the largest delegation from the United States that we have brought to Serbia, “Grenel emphasized.

He mentioned that the results of this economic cooperation will take time.

“But if we go to political issues, I think we will do the same thing that others have been doing for 21 years, they just wrote words and the people of Serbia would not feel the results. I think if we give a little time, let’s say a year, it is for that “We have set a year to suspend the Kosovo recognition and recognition campaigns, to show people in Serbia and Kosovo that our words mean something. Expect us to create jobs and the political issues will have to wait, “Grenel said.

Previously, talks between the Serbian, Kosovo chambers of commerce and the American Development Finance Corporation were held at the residence of the US ambassador in Belgrade.

Richard Grenell, Bohler, the US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey, and the Presidents of the Serbian and Kosovo Chambers of Commerce Marko Cadez and Berat Rukici, agreed in a press conference after the meeting that The Washington agreement was a turning point, because the focus of policy has turned to economic development and job creation, all of which will bring stability to the region.

The American delegation arrived in Belgrade last night, after visiting Pristina, where the agreement was signed, and Special Envoy Grenel received a medal presented to him by the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci.
