Vučić at the solemn start of the school for freshmen


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić attended the solemn start of the school year at the Higher School of Sports and Health for Professional Studies, where he became a freshman this summer.

He posted the news on his Instagram profile, along with photos of the amphitheater, with his teammates.

“I am very happy that after many years I am beginning to realize my childhood dreams,” says the comment next to the published photos.

We remind you in July this year, the president posted a photo with a student index. An explanation soon came.

“For the second time in my life, I became a student, this time at the College of Sports for Vocational Studies, with the desire to become a children’s basketball coach. You wouldn’t believe how happy I am that after many years I am beginning to realize my childhood dreams, “wrote the then president.

aleksandar vucicSource: Tanjug / Instagram / BuducnostSrbijeAV

Portal Nova. Hahaha announced the conference schedule for “freshman Vučić”, which will be sent to the “sports pedagogy” course next Monday from 9:30 to 11:00 Most of the conferences are held online, so Tuesday Vučić He would have a day off, while on Wednesday he has a lecture on anthropomotor skills in one of three quarters: 9.30am, 10.45am or 12.30pm.

The next day, back online, with Professor Kristina Vukušić, the president should listen to a lecture on anatomy.

Next Monday will follow anthropomotor exercises, and a day after sociology of sport, then anatomy and finally computer science with statistics – so that the president acquires the ability to monitor the advanced statistics of his players, and that is when it comes to the winter semester.
