Vučić asked China to bring the remaining vaccines to Serbia as soon as possible


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic asked the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia, Chen Bo, to convey his gratitude to Chinese President Xi Jinping for his “solidarity and assistance” to make the Chinese coronavirus vaccines “reach Serbian citizens as well. as soon as possible and in large quantities “, but also” request that they arrive in Serbia as soon as possible, the remaining quantities of ordered vaccines arrive “.

The Serbian president’s office said Vucic said he was proud that Serbia was the first European country to receive the Chinese vaccine and said that Serbian citizens “show deep trust in the Chinese vaccine and thus in the Chinese state. and the Chinese experts. “

In a conversation with Ambassador Chen Bo, Vucic also said that he looked forward to participating in the Summit of China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which will be held next week through a video link, emphasizing that “the cooperation format 1 + 17, as well as the Belt and Road, “is considered among the most important” so far.

The statement notes that joint infrastructure projects and other current and future projects were discussed at the meeting, which was also attended by representatives of the competent ministries and public companies, and it was indicated that the projects follow the planned dynamics.

By the end of this year, two key infrastructure projects will be completed: the Preljina-Požega highway and the Belgrade-Novi Sad express railway for speeds of up to 200 km per hour, during this year it is planned to begin works on the high-train of high speed from Novi Sad to the Hungarian border. on the Frushkogorski road corridor and on the Belgrade-Zrenjanin highway, and intensive work is being done on preparing the project documentation for the first phase of the highway from Belgrade via Duga Poljana to the border with Montenegro, it is stated in the ad.

It is added that the wastewater regulation project in 65 cities and towns in Serbia stands out in terms of value, as well as nine landfills, which will permanently solve this problem and contribute to the protection of the environment in accordance with current European standards.

