Vučić apologized to Kon and the crisis staff for the attacks coming from the SNS


The President of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vučić, apologized to Predrag Kon and the crisis staff for the attacks by SNS politicians.

“I apologize to Dr. Kon and the crisis staff for the attacks coming from the party I lead. I apologize, because they did not deserve it at all. Unfortunately, responsibility is less valued in Serbia, and it will take us a long time to defeat the politics and frivolity. “Vucic wrote on Twitter.

Fifteen minutes before this announcement on social networks, SNS deputy Vladimir Đukanović read several of Kona’s statements in the media. Djukanovic, as a guest in Hit’s tweet on TV Pink, stated that on January 26 Kon assessed that the risk of coronavirus was small, that a month later he said that the common flu was more dangerous than kovid-19, and on 14 March that would hold. resign, if school classes are interrupted.

“Saying seven days later (also in March) ‘people did not die of SARS so fast’ … Now he says that the measures were delayed, and at first he said that the virus was nothing,” Djukanovic said.

The deputy mentioned that he considers Kona a great expert and probably the best epidemiologist in Serbia, but evaluated that the only two solutions for a pandemic are “to close everything so that the virus slows down”, or the development of a vaccine or the acquisition of herd immunity.

After Vučić’s tweet was read on the show, Đukanović said that he did not attack Kona, but did express his opinion.

“Kon is the best epidemiologist we have. I criticized the work of the crisis staff in terms of some confusing statements, and we don’t have to agree with everything in life … I understand Mr. Vučić for criticizing what I did. He SNS is a party governed by pluralism of opinion, “said Djukanovic.

Before the end of the program, Djukanovic also said that he saw that because of today’s comment on social networks he was preached by people who “spent their entire lives in the League of Communists, who are used to being served by someone else’s opinions,” and that’s because of the attitude he expressed. ready to respond, pass every bill, even to discuss with Vučić “.

As a reminder, during the debate in the Serbian Assembly on the financial plans of the independent bodies, the deputies of the group “Aleksandar Vučić – For our children” and the Socialist Party of Serbia, They asked the government to close down crisis personnel and not accept the proposed anti-epidemic measures.

Vladimir Đukanović then asked the government to do so, saying that “you can no longer hear that someone is being treated for cancer, they are only talking about the crown.”

“Please, do not accept the measures of the Crisis Staff, stop harassing the economy, how will the salary be distributed if it closes it”, asked the MP, and the Electronic Media Regulatory Body (REM) called him to “react to the spread of panic. ”

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
