VUCIC AFTER MEETING WITH VARHEJ: The region receives eight billion euros through subsidies, the president responds to criticism from the EU (VIDEO)


After the meeting, Vučić and Varheji addressed the media and the focus of the meeting was the large investments of Brussels in the Western Balkan region.

After the meeting, President Aleksandar Vučić declared that the region would receive around eight billion in an EU grant and another 20 billion euros through various projects.

– It is a lot of money, I really thank you for that, and I hope that we will have support for the construction of roads and railways throughout Serbia. We are always in a hurry to build to the max and I look forward to the support of the EU in the future as well. Now the Nis-Merdare highway is being built. They gave us 40.3 million euros. For us, the construction of the Belgrade-Sarajevo and Belgrade-Sid railways is even more important, these are very important projects in which we are working with the EU countries – said Vucic.

He noted that he is always ready to answer all accusations to his people and said that on the economic side, Serbia has an excellent rating, better than most EU members.

– I was especially criticized because I used the function of the president to collect votes for the party during the elections, and I am willing to accept responsibility for everything, but we will talk about that another time – said Vučić.

He announced that Serbia expects large investments from the EU and says it is good for the entire region to invest money in the Balkans.

– I am also happy when our neighbors receive money. The development of the region is important. Thanks to everyone who worked hard to help here. Serbia will have a large amount of money at its disposal in proportion to its strength and size, and I am especially proud of that – said President Vučić.

Commissioner Varheji said he was happy to be in Belgrade and could finally travel after the corona virus epidemic. He said he was bringing good news to the Serbian capital and said the EU wanted to be more involved in the development of the Western Balkans.

– We want to help the entire region and Serbia to emerge victorious from the crisis created by the pandemic. You know this is a big problem, but we have seen that the Government of Serbia was extremely focused on fighting the pandemic.

He said that the EU is launching an investment plan worth 8 billion euros, and that as part of that aid, they will bring financial guarantees for all foreign partners.

– Our goal is to create new jobs and economic growth as soon as possible, and we want to create a good business climate to attract as many foreign companies as possible.

Varheji emphasized that to create a good business climate, it is necessary to develop infrastructure and allow the free flow of goods and services.

– It really is time to move forward and develop the economy with a new economic plan and further accelerate its growth and finally accept it in the ranks of the EU members – said the commissioner.

Responding to journalists’ questions, President Vučić said the EU report blamed him for the measures introduced during the epidemic, the good relations with Russia and China and the purchase of “Pancir”.

– I insisted that “Pancir” be bought and that Serbia be strengthened militarily, I insisted that police reinforcements be sent in front of the Assembly. And now I’ll try to get even more drones, from another troubled country! – Vučić emphasized, alluding to the announced purchase of Turkish Bajraktar drones.

He emphasized that it is normal for people to protest, but that attacks on the police are not allowed at all.

– The police did not use anything until they occupied the building of the National Assembly. No one raised the baton until chaos broke out in the streets, Vučić said.

– I will do my best to guarantee all rights to the citizens of Serbia also in the future. You all know I was trying to get the truth out. They tried to overthrow the government, but leave them, we work honestly and accelerate our path to progress – he said.

– I was fighting for my life, and life is the most important thing – said Vučić when asked about the corona virus and the pandemic in Serbia – Vučić said.

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