Vučić after meeting with Lavrov: Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that he had spoken with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, about the situation in Europe and everything related to Serbia. Vučić noted that he received important information from Lavrov.

He said at the press conference after the meeting in Villa Mir that Serbia, like Montenegro, will not impose sanctions on the Russian Federation.

“We will not impose sanctions on the Russian Federation,” Vucic said.

In that sense, he added, he is proud of the fact that Serbia makes its own decisions and has the strength to implement them.

Vučić says that the conversation was deep and on all the “essential and deep issues” of the relations between the two countries, with a marked friendly character.

“We have established the strategic commitment of the two countries to continue to develop on a friendly and respectful basis, and to improve our relations whenever possible,” said Vucic.

Vučić stressed that he was grateful to Russia for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, adding that the relationship was “reciprocal”.

He stated that Serbia will continue to buy Russian gas because it is the most favorable and the cheapest. He said that every time the Americans asked him why Serbia did not drink non-Russian gasoline, he replied that he wanted to carry cheaper gasoline, but then they told him that there was not enough gasoline.

“Is someone asking Serbia to buy more expensive gasoline for someone’s political interests?” He said.

He claimed that it does not occur to him to pay a scam to anyone in the world in any way. He announced that Serbia has built its own gas pipeline, which is connected to Bulgaria and will be inaugurated on December 29 or 30. He also said that the Serbian economy will be the first in terms of growth rate in Europe over the next three years.

He stated that he expressed “personal concern as president of Serbia” for the situation in the region and said he hoped that “all together have the reason and the strength” to resolve the disagreements peacefully, which is the “commitment of Serbia”.

“Thank you, dear friend, for coming to Serbia during the corona virus epidemic and for having a sincere and friendly relationship with Serbia,” Vucic noted.

Vučić added that Serbia has a joint role with Russia in “defending the truth” about World War II, and claimed that there were “various attempts” to falsify that part of history, to which, as Vučić put it, the two countries joined. they would oppose. He said that Serbia had made the decision to maintain military neutrality, that it would not be part of any military bloc, and welcomed “significant support” to strengthen Serbia’s defense capabilities.

Sergey Lavrov: Resolution 1244 must be the basis of any agreement

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared that Moscow supports a balanced policy of Serbian leaders aimed at building mutually beneficial ties with all interested countries, because that principle is the basis of Russian foreign policy.

“We welcomed Belgrade’s commitment to military neutrality and the policy of not imposing sanctions on Russia. Serbia’s policy of military neutrality helps promote peace and stability in the Balkans and bucks trends to increase confrontation. in a region that has suffered greatly throughout history, “Lavrov said.

Lavrov said that Russia confirms the “full commitment to all agreements” of the two countries reached at the highest level, adding that the strategic partnership was developed “with full respect for the principles” of Serbia to build ties with all interested countries. .

Lavrov stated that he conveyed to Vučić “the warmest greetings and best wishes” from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“A different approach is not appropriate and does not correspond to the reality of the modern world,” Lavrov said.

He stated that he also spoke with Vučić about the “unresolved problem of Kosovo” and reiterated that Russia is committed to making UN Security Council Resolution 1244 the basis for any possible agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

“Our position has not changed, we are in favor of seeking a compromise on the basis of Resolution 1244, and we will only support the decision that suits the Serbs,” said the head of Russian diplomacy.

Lavrov added that the EU “must play the role of mediator in the dialogue in an impartial manner and overcome the open sabotage of Pristina”, and stated that the Pristina authorities “sabotage all the agreements reached in previous years, including the obligation to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities “.

He said he had a “very substantial” conversation with Vučić, during which “they discussed a whole range of issues that are not getting easier in Europe or the world.”

“We reaffirm our commitment to the agreements of the two countries on strengthening the strategic partnership in all areas, including political dialogue, the economic dimension and military-technical cooperation,” Lavrov said.

It stated that this year’s participation by members of the Serbian army in the ceremony in Moscow marking the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II was “proof of the non-acceptance of attempts to revise the history of that war, to justify the Nazis and their supporters. ”

He added that today’s solemn ceremony of lighting the Eternal Flame at the Cemetery of the Liberators in Belgrade, brought from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin, “once again showed the historical-spiritual unity” of the two peoples.

“We highly appreciate the traditionally friendly dialogue between the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches, and its basis is the defense of the unity of the Orthodox world, of centuries-old spiritual principles,” Lavrov said.

The head of Russian diplomacy said he had spoken with Vučić about developing commercial and economic ties and fighting the coronavirus.
