Vučić addressed the UN General Assembly: “Good news regarding the prevention and treatment of kovid-19 is coming from all over the world.”



03.12.2020. 19:20 – 03.12.2020. 19:27

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke at the UN General Assembly online session dedicated to fighting the corona virus.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vucic, Photo: Screenshot

The Kovid-19 pandemic is the biggest crisis not only in health, but also in humanitarian and socio-economic terms since the founding of the UN 75 years ago.

Welcoming everyone, the President of Serbia said at the beginning of his speech:

“I address this esteemed gathering today, at a time when my country is facing an extraordinary challenge to our economy and our health due to the Kovid-19 pandemic. Serbia, as the legal successor to Yugoslavia, is the proud founder of the Nations United and, as such, is persistently committed to the UN Charter and multilateralism as the principle on which the UN is based. “

Vučić added that the virtual format of the speech itself speaks quite a bit about the situation the world is in at the end of 2020, which, the Serbian president stated, is a confirmation that “we must do everything possible to preserve and strengthen the United Nations and the General Assembly. ” .

“The Kovid-19 pandemic firmly confirms the necessity and necessity for the existence and strengthening of the role of the United Nations and its specialized agencies and organizations, such as the World Health Organization. They have an irreplaceable role in the organized response to emerging challenges. political and security dimension. That is why the importance of this forum should never be questioned, “said Vucic, adding:

“We firmly believe that only through mutual cooperation, harmonization of positions and mutual respect can answers be found to face global challenges such as the current Kovid-19 pandemic.”

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vucic, Photo: screenshot

Vučić said that in that regard, the Republic of Serbia welcomes the decisions taken on the organization of such an important forum.

“A great hope for the prosperity of humanity is given by the fact that 150 member states, without a single vote against, accepted and voted for the necessity and urgency of holding today’s meeting,” the president of Serbia:

“Since sustainable development and health go hand in hand, as a candidate country for EU membership, Serbia strongly supports the European Union’s approach that we should continue to work together within the UN system, in the fight against the pandemic and its consequences, while laying the foundations for inclusion, green and sustainable recovery, in line with the sustainable development goals. “

Vučić said he was looking at the days ahead with great optimism.

“The good news related to the prevention and treatment of covid-19 comes from all over the world. These quick and good results could only be achieved with a joint global effort and the exchange of information. Serbia is absolutely committed to universal and equal access. to vaccines and therapy for the treatment of covid-19, as one of the top global priorities. The global initiative and the synergy built into Kovaks aim to ensure a fair distribution of stocks of future vaccines against kovid-19. We look forward to for Kovaks to deliver two billion safe and effective doses of vaccines worldwide, where needed, and guided by humanistic and non-selective principles. “

The president of Serbia believes that the adoption of the Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030, as well as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, represent key steps to face some of the biggest challenges today: global economic instability, growing inequalities. social and the effects of climate change.

We must eliminate the devastating economic consequences of the global recession by mobilizing greater, faster and more flexible support through international financial institutions. Serbia pays priority attention to the goals related to poverty eradication, sustainable economic development and employment, infrastructure construction and industrialization, and ensuring healthy lives at all ages, free and quality primary and secondary education for all, with special emphasis on gender equality. “

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vucic, Photo: screenshot

Vučić proudly noted that the Serbian people voted in favor of a parliament in which both sexes were equally represented, and that this and that, a modern Serbian parliament, supported the government headed by a woman for the second time.

“An effective and productive multilateralism is necessary, but also achievable if we demonstrate our willingness to engage together in a spirit of dialogue, cooperation and compromise. We have cooperated intensively with countries around the world and with our region to provide humanitarian and medical assistance and supplies. periodic goods during the kovid-19 pandemic. Serbia is also facing problems in the fight against this contagious disease, which has caused tectonic disturbances around the world, and we have received help from friendly countries when we need it most, and I take this opportunity to return a I also showed solidarity and provided assistance to other countries and we will continue to help those who need it most in these difficult times, “Vucic said, adding:

“I hope that during this pandemic we have been reminded of how important every human life is and that we must do everything in our power to prevent further loss of lives and prevent human suffering. In this regard, I would like to emphasize that the Republic of Serbia joins the call of the Secretary General of the United Nations for a global ceasefire. “

Vučić said that during its duration, Serbia valued freedom, equality and peace above all else.

“None of these traditional criteria of ours is possible without a strong United Nations and without strict adherence to the founding Charter.”

In the end, Aleksandar Vučić concluded:

“President John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said: ‘Let’s not look for a Republican answer or a democratic answer, but for the right answer. Let’s not look for the culprit of the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.’ We cannot change the past, but from this point we can to a great extent are influencing a better future for this planet and humanity.
