Vučević: Kontić has nothing to do with the SNS


Ivan Kontić, the author of the brutal beating in Novi Sad, has been under investigation since Saturday for the crime of attempted murder and an international arrest warrant has been issued against him. Two people arrested during yesterday’s police operation in Novi Sad were detained for 48 hours; they are accused of participating in the fight, that is, helping Kontić after the crime was committed. And while politicians accuse each other of covering up crimes, that is, of collecting political points, public reactions do not subside.

Did the police start the investigation into the brutal beating case on August 24, when they received information about it from the doctor at the Vojvodina Clinical Center (KCV), or only after the September 11 video appeared on social media? According to the information provided by the Novi Sad Police Administration, they immediately informed the Basic Public Ministry, which ordered them to begin collecting the necessary information, from which they questioned the injured party and the witnesses who were found that night. places.

The crime was initially classified as causing serious bodily injury, however, since the Prosecutor’s Office reclassified it as attempted murder, so, as they say in the Police Administration, the case was transferred to the Superior Public Ministry. In that institution, they state to H1 that after the presentation of the criminal charges they ordered the implementation and initiation of an investigation on September 12. So, the day after the video appeared on social media, it was for attempted murder.

Since Ivan Kontić is currently inaccessible to state authorities, an order has been issued against him, they say, based on the decision of the Novi Sad High Court, which also ordered his arrest.

Novi Sad residents interviewed by the N1 TV crew are upset:

“The reaction was very late. If that video hadn’t come out, who knows what kind … Only then did they start looking for it, which is invisible nonsense.”

“There is a camera on every corner, both in Belgrade and in Novi Sad. You could see it, so you knew for sure.”

“Novi Sad should have some kind of police officers on duty on these streets, especially at that time of the night. I’m horrified, it’s really scary.”

On the other hand, part of the citizenry, fundamentally political from the opposition spectrum, is demanding the responsibility of the police chief, because they are not satisfied with the reaction of the investigative bodies. Some opposition politicians are also demanding the responsibility of the city’s first man, Miloš Vučević, because they say that it is not logical that such a case was hidden from the public for 20 days. They connect the perpetrator with the ruling party, which Vučević denies.

“I honestly detest political vultures who put such an event in the everyday political context. And if I have to say, I am neither the father nor the mother of that criminal. I did not raise him, I did not bring him from Niksic to Novi Sad, no I hired him or “I controlled it. Did you ask that question to the previous mayor when, say, ‘Contrast’ happened? And to avoid confusion, I even verified that it has nothing to do with the SNS, “said the mayor.

Ivan Kontić, thirty years old, has Montenegrin citizenship, is a lawyer by profession and, as confirmed to us by the Vojvodina Bar Association, for the last ten months he worked as an intern at a law firm in Novi Sad. They claim that the procedure to remove his name from the apprentice register is ongoing, but it is not explained whether it has anything to do with the suspected case of violence Kontić.
