Vučević: Danger of explosion of figures, we stick to the “discipline of Novi Sad”


The mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, said there could be “an exponential growth of the coronavirus infection, which would endanger the functioning of the city” and noted that there is a danger that “the numbers will skyrocket”.

“The last 24 hours were very difficult for Novi Sad, and the number of 73 new infected in that period is a fact that warns that there should be no relaxation when it comes to the spread of the corona epidemic in the city,” he said Vučević.

According to him, the situation has not gotten out of control, despite the worrying number of Novi Sad residents recently infected.

“The city of Novi Sad will do everything necessary to preserve the health and life of the citizens, but also to preserve the economy, as well as the level of all the citizens of Novi Sad,” emphasized Vučević.

He called on citizens to adhere firmly to the “disciplines of Novi Sad” as before.

That is why I ask and appeal to the strong discipline of Novi Sad, the conscience of Novi Sad, above all to our solidarity. I appeal to fellow citizens between the ages of 20 and 40, who are the most infected, to take care of their health and the health of their family, their families. , parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, “said Vučević.

He noted that only together can Novi Sad and its citizens preserve the city’s economy.

“We must save the city together, as well as its economy. We must not close shops, warehouses, catering services, because we must save every job. To be successful in that, we must be conscientious, responsible and disciplined,” Vucevic said.

He called the attention of the citizens of Novi Sad to take his appeal more seriously, so that the city would endure the days and weeks to come.

“Please understand this as a call for a joint struggle for Novi Sad to endure the days and weeks to come. And I fear that the period ahead will be very, very challenging, I am almost certain of that. That is why it is It is important that we understand messages from state authorities and respect all measures to prevent the spread of the virus epidemic, “said Vučević.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
