VOŽDOVČANI IN SHOCK: The whole building cried when they took little Ognjen out


None of the family, friends and neighbors can still believe in the torment that befell them on Monday around 6:30 pm No one could tell us with certainty exactly how the child died, but the neighbors say the scene was horrible.

At the time of the accident, the father, mother and older brother were in the apartment with the injured child.

– When Ognjen was hit by the electricity, his father put him on the second floor, where a neighbor lives who works as a medical technician in the ambulance. He immediately tried to resurrect the twelve-year-old boy. All the time, my father was crying, saying “God, why didn’t you take me, but him” … His older brother was there too. The ambulance arrived quickly and they continued with resuscitation. The boy’s hands were completely blue. They tried to revive him for more than an hour and then they gave up. There was no help for him. As they carried him away on a stretcher, everyone in the building was crying – says a neighbor on the first floor.

The ambulance also confirmed that his colleague was the first to try to help the boy.

– Our technician, who lives in the same building, was preparing to work when the accident occurred. The resuscitation began immediately. Meanwhile, our two teams came. They tried to resuscitate the boy for two hours, but sadly they were unable to revive him. Our colleague is one of the best, they believed he could save the little one. The team returned to the Institute shortly before 10 at night – they say in the ambulance.

According to one version, Ognjen was struck by electricity when he tried to turn on a device, while according to another, a faulty extension cord was to blame for his death, causing a short circuit. This second version was told to the “Novosti” reporter by a family friend, who was with his family while the resuscitation was being carried out.

– Nobody knows exactly what happened. We think the extension cord was faulty. He was in his room doing homework when the electric shock occurred. Whatever it is, it’s gone. We are all inconsolable. My friend and his wife are heartbroken. He was a wonderful child, he was a football coach at FC Zmajevi, his older brother was his role model, because he also coaches football at FC Voždovac. These are wonderful people, they didn’t deserve this. Nobody is – says a friend of the family.

And the godparents were in shock

On Monday night, the family’s godparents, who live nearby, rushed to the apartment of the injured boy’s family. The news that their godson was dead left them in shock. Family friends came to express their condolences. Some of them did not have the strength to enter.

– All this is so terrible that we can’t even go up – says one of them.

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