Insurance offers presented to some agencies, mostly smaller, represent, in these circumstances, a huge tax and without the help of the state and the ministry, the bankruptcy of most travel agencies is safe. travel? Will they be able to notice or receive a refund? Probably not. If agencies go bankrupt, replacement trips will certainly not take place, and reimbursement based on the insurance policy is also in doubt, since the consequences of the state of emergency are mostly excluded as insured cases.
In the case of this scenario, “bad” lawsuits against the agencies, which are promoted by certain associations, do not help, on the contrary, they can only generate additional costs for passengers. Without going into the harmful consequences on the loss of jobs of a large number of people in this sector, that is, all those who have operated within the legal framework so far, we emphasize that the consumers who invoke the Regulations will be those that suffer the most damage, because it is most likely that they will run out of money and without trips. This epilogue does not benefit travel agencies or consumers.
It will benefit people who, under unrealistic, unfair and uncompetitive conditions and with the help of the state and the ministry, manage to “survive” this period as well. Many of them do not pay taxes, have unpaid debts under previous insurance policies and some have defrauded passengers, opened agencies under other names and have never been responsible for the damage caused, to passengers, individually and to agencies that operate conscientiously. These issues must be dealt with by the tax administration, the prosecution and the ministry that prescribes the conditions for the work of the agencies.
At the moment, the priority is to find a solution that allows agencies to “survive”, all in order to protect consumers, that is, so that all those who invoke the Regulation can obtain a replacement trip or NOPS refund generally supports the great efforts of all market players that are invested to solve problems in this area, but strongly insists on finally separating the “wheat from the chaff” and helping only those who “deserve” help.
The current non-selective approach without any individual control, business risk assessment, checking if there were irregularities in the business, or if the passengers are damaged in some cases, has led us to have hundreds of agencies that, on equal terms, seek help than some no. it’s not even necessary, and some don’t even deserve it.
The issue of insurance policies can be solved in such a way that the price is determined according to billing, individual risk assessment and not on the basis of unrealistic criteria that are imposed on everyone regardless of the way of doing business. The question is, who is interested and who will be responsible if a large number of passengers are not damaged?
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Author: delivery courier